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January 14, 2021


A new machine called ColdSnap, which looks and functions like a Keurig for soft serve ice cream, has emerged as one of the buzziest products of this year's all-digital CES tech show.

(Thanks to Fred Preller, who says “We were promised flying cars, which I never wanted. THIS I WANT!”)


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Just what the world needs now.

Brain freeze alert!

STFU and take my money!

$1000 for just the machine? Yikes!

Home made ice cream: Because we need to be ready when the apocalypse comes.

I can already hear myself getting fatter.

When I was a kid growing up in the 1950's many families had ice cream makers. Having ice cream parties in the back yard, us kids turning the crank. Moms sometime added strawberries or chocolate syrup. Delicious ice cream on the cheap. I found a retro ice cream maker on Amazon that even has a crank and an electric motor for $89. This new fancy maker is way expensive and the cups sell for $2.99 each. Sometimes the old ways were better and certainly cheaper.


Just give me my pints of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia and nobody will get hurt!


LOL @ all, especially Jeff.

I expect we will see another headline soon:
Parents HORRIFIED to receive a GAZILLION cases of ColdSnap pods after their Tot orders from Alexa "They just kept stacking boxes on our porch. We couldn't leave the house for DAYS! How will we pay our mortgage?"

I always imagined my flying car having an ice cream dispenser.

Can I get ATLAS from Boston Dynamics to serve me the ice cream?

I can buy a truckload of Blue Bell for what this thing would cost.

MOTW, the rest of that story will be that the kid who ordered all those pods will try to blame the cat walking across the keyboard.

@padraig, GM supposedly has a prototype CADILLAC FLYING CAR at CES. Maybe options will include choice of this ice cream machine or a Keurig.

Forget this ice cream maker. I just want a KitchenAid mixer. I asked for one for Christmas but did I get it? Nooooo! I got an electronic door lock instead. There is no way I'd pay $1000 for an ice cream maker either.

{{ nursecindy }} my bestie's kids surprised her with a KitchenAid stand mixer. Talk about Cadillac. I hope you get one, soon.

Le Petomane - Being poor as we were growing up, when we asked my Mom for ice cream she would pull out a picture of ice cream she kept in fork drawer, we had only one fork no spoons, and show it to us.

When I was young, I managed a restaurant (pizza, chicken, hamburgers, etc.) And we had a soft serve machine. Further, we bought pre-mixed 'frozen custard' mix from Smith's Dairy in Orrville Ohio. I tell you this so if you ever get a chance to get a soft serve cone made with Smith's dairy products, you won't pass up the opportunity.

To. Die. For. I had malt too, so I could make myself a chocolate malt to go with my cheeseburger for lunch.

(If you're ever in Copley, Ohio the restaurant is called Rizzi's Other Place, and it's right on Copley Road. I was there a couple years ago and it hasn't changed.)

Wifey got her KA last Christmas from Costco onlime, the good thing about that was buying from the "Century Club" limits your choices to one (although color was an option so she bought two, kept the silver one, and returned #2 to the store.).

Growing up in suburban Detroit, we got our daily ice cream fix from the the Good Humor Ice Cream truck driving through the neighborhood. We used to hitch a ride by climbing onto the rear bumper for a freebie thrill. They sold "Nickle Sticks" or you could splurge 25-cents and get a Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Eclaire, or my favorite... Toasted Almond bars. For some reason, the Toasted Almond bars are nowhere to be found in supermarkets anymore. I now get my fix at the Tipsy Cow ice cream parlor in Bonita Springs, Florida, where their best sellers are made with infused liquor.


@nursecindy--I didn't know there was an ice cream maker attachment for a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. We have the mixer and I think no cranking just might be an improvement.
Thanks for the tip.

Here ya go Le Pet:


Thanks parmaross! I am ordering one. In the meanwhile I'll console myself with a few pints of Cherry Garcia.
This lockdown is expanding more than my intellect by reading some old classics, but that's OK. I can always diet later...

My go to artisan ice cream store when I lived in the Phoenix area:



And in Lincoln Park, Michigan:


man tom--I remember those poor early days. My family had two forks and two spoons, but we all took turns using them. Did you have to walk five miles, uphill, through snow covered woods, infested with bears and wolves, just to go to school? Then home again, all up hill, though those same woods to get home? We survived and grew up to better times. Carpe diem!

Cuisinart ICE-70 Electronic Ice Cream Maker, Brushed Chrome, Ice Cream Maker with Countdown Timer, With Countdown Timer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MVWGUYA/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_fabc_LXibGbVW7YXJM


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