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January 14, 2021


Psychedelic Mushrooms Grew in a Man's Veins After He Injected Them

(Thanks to Rod Nunley)


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Was he operating on the assumption that shrooms won't grow in Uranus?

Yikes, dude!

After that discovery, I bet the needle hole in his body let out a portal bellow.

not looking.....

Call me old fashioned but injecting "food" directly into your bloodstream just doesn't sound like a good idea.

The dude told the doctors.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time. Man, bein' able to grow magic mushrooms inside yer body would be easy, cheap an' everything. Then it all went to pot."

Some people aren't satisfied with just growing them in their ear canals like normal.

"consumed in a safe way—really do seem to be hopeful treatments for depression and substance use disorders."

Plus you can finally join that Rock band you always wanted to join?

He just thought this would be the most efficient way to see tangerine trees and marmalade skies.

The electrical bananas are back-ordered on Amazon, I presume?

PirateBoy--So is the Electric Kool-Aid. Man, all the good stuff is selling again.

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