...to this motorist.
(Thanks to Kellye Fry)
« September 2003 | Main | November 2003 »
...to this motorist.
(Thanks to Kellye Fry)
What did they think a giant pumpkin would want? Chardonnay?
(Thanks to Drew Harchick)
The Bottom Line’s fight is not yet over. As you may have heard, Bruce Springsteen and Mel Karmazin made significant contributions, along with Sirius Satellite Radio, to help save the club.Unfortunately, The Bottom Line needs more money to negotiate with NYU and secure a new lease. It is a dire situation and to add insult to injury, NYU is asking for a 250% rent increase and demanding costly renovations. The Bottom Line has only managed to raise one third of the money it needs. It is imperative to get this money for The Bottom Line’s survival.
In his impassioned closing argument, The Bottom Line’s attorney Mark Alonso spoke for all of us when he asked the judge for a little more time before she made her ruling. Judge Recant asked,
“What would be the difference in making the decision today versus next week?”
“I need to raise the money to properly negotiate a lease with NYU,” Alonso replied. “Your Honor, I am a cynic and not a romantic, but this club is a special place, loved by millions of people, and I can see music fans around the world rallying to save it. We just need the time.”
If each of us comes forward and contributes what we can, we will save this venerated club. Just as in “It’s a Wonderful Life” when the town comes together to save George Bailey, we can come together to save The Bottom Line.
We need to act fast! Please contribute whatever you can, but contribute.
Please send a check or money order made out to “Save The Bottom Line”. Mail it to:
Save The Bottom Line
15 W. 4th Street
New York, NY 10012Or you can contribute through PayPal at http://www.savethebottomline.com
Help by distributing this message to everyone you know and ask them to pass it on to everyone they know to keep the message circulating. We need to get momentum. The clock is ticking. The judge’s ruling may only be a week away. Please help.
Thank you,
-- Friends of The Bottom Line
We are frankly surprised that anybody even noticed this motorist.
(Thanks to Dan Sauberlich)
This is weirdly soothing.
(Thanks to Sean McGee)
There are no Halloween hijinks like United States Senate Halloween hijinks.
(Thanks to Nicole "Clown Nite" TWN)
Including "The Cursed Bean," from the fine, twisted minds at Something Awful.
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
You weren't going to get much done today, anyway
(Thanks to Nelson Hickman)
Do not mess with South Philly girls.
(Thanks to Dave Paul and Emily Anna "A Hymenal Mint Is" Smith)
Finally, the authorities are cracking down on these criminals who fail to plant mums.
(Thanks to Ryan McKeon)
Key quote: "When she heard of the animal, Dr. Rebecca Tudor, a veterinary surgeon affiliated with N.C. State University, was stumped."
(Thanks to Mark "Rank A Warm Loan" Alan Rowan)
UPDATE: Alert reader Garret Wood, who, unlike this blog, actually reads the stories linked to on this blog, points out that the plan is to reduce the total number of legs possessed by this dog, "Popcorn," from five to three.
Have you noticed that the last few people to kindly include anagrams for their names have tried to be rather raunchy with them? Ed "Hard Legend" Dahlgren Mark "Anal Wank Armor" Alan Rowan Dave "Cavies Turd" Curtis Is must just be human nature to rearrange their name to the lowest common denominator. -- Karen "Harem Stink" Smith
New York's transit system descends into anarchy when a man drops his cell phone into the worst possible place.
Key quote: "...firefighters used no less than three sets of power tools, including the jaws of life, to cut through the toilet..."
(Thanks to Susan Brown)
Things are going very, very wrong up there.
(Thanks to Robert Coller)
You should be a vampire squid.
(Thanks to Emily Anna Smith)
Look at the inflight snacks they have on Avianca.
What, you're saying just because people have no feet, or are dead, they don't have a right to a podiatrist?
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
...only elderly Florida women will have sandwiches.
(Thanks to a great many people)
Check out these beauties, especially the very attractive rendition of Miss Lucille Ball.
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
Because that is the only way to deter criminals such as this.
(Thanks to Alyssa Harley)
Those last cheap items were just COPIES of the patent.� The big money auction is for the RIGHTS to the patent.So it looks like it's a steal at 95 million dollars.
They wire their balls.
(Thanks to Rick Newman)
If you look at the seller's last three auctions, the Pulsed Plasma Mobile Hydrogen Generator went for $16.50, $20.00, and $14.99.� I guess he thinks demand has gone up. -- Ryan "My Neon Rack" McKeon
Now they want to take away our fundamental right to keep rattlesnakes in freezers.
(Thanks to Ryan McKeon)
We paid full retail price for a Pulsed Plasma Mobile Hydrogen Generator, then we find one going for for only 95 million dollars on eBay.
(Thanks to Bob Phillips)
Dave, don't you just fricking well hate it when you accidentally click the right mouse-button on the copter game just as you're about to beat your own high score, causing that fricking popup menu to appear and sending the fricking helicopter crashing into the fricking cave wall for the umpteemth fricking time? I know I fricking well do. -- Dougie Henderson.This fricking blog knows exactly what you are fricking talking about.
Now the bastards are using exploding computers.
(Thanks to Ed "Hard Legend" Dahlgren)
In Miami, this animal would have fit right in.
Key quote: "They can run up to 40 mph and deliver lethal blows with their feet."
(Thanks to Jeff Sutton)
You read a headline like this.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
The Nigerians are actually Australian.
(Thanks to Dylan Kissane)
Not enough goats.
(Thanks to Jeff Sutton)
"Please speak directly into the dragonfly."
(Thanks to Mark "Anal Wank Armor" Alan Rowan)
Please leave your hands at home. Thank you.
(Thanks to Catherine Conner)
Maybe there's somebody in the attic.
Key quote: "He noticed the cereal was running low and he couldn't understand."
(Thanks to Robert Coller)
An Australian judge dismisses the lawsuit of a man injured while attempting to open a beer.
Key quote:"How much tuition does an ordinary Australian need in how to open a bottle of beer?"
(Thanks to Corn1ell)
Now the bastards are using corpses.
(Thanks to many people)
Peter Jennings and Yoko Ono, together inside a giant black bag, undressing.
(Thanks to Mark Gregory)
Billionaire masks. We especially like the Donald Trump model.
(Thanks to Brian Duval)
I was going to try the urinal penny test at my work but I had no penny -- not even any worthless Canadian currency -- but fortunately someone had dropped one in the bathroom drain.� It took a while but I managed to fish it out, wipe it off on my tie and place it (heads up, for luck) on the urinal. I'll let you know if anyone is gross enough to take it. -- Dave "Cavies Turd" CurtisYes, keep us posted.
An even MORE practical approach would be to set up decoy trailer parks on Capitol Hill. -- Mike DeCleene
A more practical approach would be to set up decoy trailer parks in uninhabited areas to lure the tornadoes away from populated areas. -- Ernie Gudath
We report; you decide.
(Thanks to Ted Severson)
If anyone has any doubts as to whether or not this man’s technique will work, they should view the demo – obviously he’s completed some serious, scientific testing, and documented it on his demo. -- Steve Lancaster
Yesterday this blog had a snarky link to this work of art by Jason Salavon, who made composite portraits by averaging all the Playboy centerfolds for four decades. This seemed kind of a waste to this blog, because theoretically you're looking at all these naked women, but you can't actually see anything. So anyway, this blog got an email, actually several emails, from Jason Salavon, pointing out, politely, that this blog does not know squat about him or what he does, which is true, and since he seems to be a stand-up guy, standing up, this blog apologizes to him, and also envies him because he gets to look at zillions of Playboy centerfolds as a job.
An idea whose time has come: Tornado Fighters.
(Thanks to Vanessa Myers)
Next time you need to travel, you might want to take a train.
(Thanks to Dave Paul)
This year, give him porno pants.
(Thanks again to Mike Zlotnick, who apparently does nothing but scour the web for articles like this)