(Thanks to everyone in or out of Florida)
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(Thanks to everyone in or out of Florida)
Spanish Hamster Waiters Out To Crucify Lewis Hamilton
(Also we of course think "Spanish Hamster Waiters" would be a good name etc.)
It has nothing to do with making fun of anybody's name.
(Thanks to T Sclechte)
While you're hacking out crude triangle eyes in your pumpkin, some guys in England are doing stuff like this:
(Thanks to Siouxie)
(Thanks to Siouxie)
Atlanta cracks down on buffet violators.
(Thanks to DavCat)
Vicar hospitalized with potato up his bum
Another version here.
(Thanks to DavCat and Jeff Meyerson and sjhaller and Siouxie)
(Thanks to Rich Klinzman)
(Thanks to Danny, who asks, "Who among us would judge a restaurant because of phlegmburgers?")
Here's another version, thanks to Siouxie.
Next time, say you were mentoring.
(Thanks to gfunksizzle)
Boy finds cheetah in his garden
(Thanks to Matt Filar)
(Thanks to Doug Ensign)
(Thanks to DavCat, but FIRST, THANKS TO MOE)
(Thanks to RussellMc)
Try to stomp the Flaming Bag of Poo!
(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)
(Thanks to sjhaller and Siouxie)
Key Quote: Blowing incense over a sacred llama fetus perched on a bed of coca leaves next to posters of the leading candidates, the shamans shook rattles, chanted "up, Obama, up!" and threw flowers at their images.
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who notes that Sacred Llama Fetus would be a good name for a rock band)
Woman finds mouse head in frozen beans
This would be an excellent look for Halloween.
(Thanks to Siouxie)
Andy the Guy™ has all kinds of great stuff on his excellent site, including this photo:
The Blog and The Photographer are hard at work on this year's Gift Guide, which will be published November 23rd. Sadly, this suggestion, sent in by Carol Roach via snailmail, did not make it to our desk in time to be considered.
(You can check out previous editions of the Gift Guide here.)
Here in the voting line we are passing the time trying to decipher the ballot questions, which were written by lawyers from Mars. They sound like this: "Shall the legislature not be empowered to prohibit the abolition of those entities that are currently excluded from Article XI, Section 3, Subsection iv, Row 5, Seats A and B, or not?" People are soliciting advice from total strangers ("Do we want to retain these judges?")
(Thanks to Meanie the Blue)
Mass. Pol Accused of Stuffing Bra with Bribes
(Thanks to Chris Lawson)
(Thanks to sjhaller)
Vietnam bans small-chested motorists
(Thanks to Danny, Braniff, The Perts, and DavCat)
(Thanks to Jeff Arch)
Key Quote: “Once the pumpkin goes on your head, it’s definitely such a group mentality that you just have to go with it.”
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
Yesterday we adopted a dog from a shelter. Her name is Lucy, and she's mostly Lab, around 8 months. She's very sweet and has quickly adapted to our home and yard. Especially our yard, which she finds absolutely fascinating ("Hey! A dog urinated here! Wow! A dog urinated HERE, also! Ohmigod! A dog also urinated HERE! Wait a minute! A dog ALSO urinated..." etc.). The one troubling thing is that Lucy has discovered Walter.
Be on the lookout for speeding Muppets.
(Thanks to CJrun and Justin Barber)
The wizzer saw.
(Thanks to Marty Merzer)
Here are some swinging Japanese rock-'n'-roll hep cats getting down and funky for Obama. If there is a comparable hepcat Japanese video for McCain, we will be happy to post it. (As of now, we don't know which candidate has the support of Kikkoman.)
(Thanks to Dan Traylor)
Man drives drunk to protest drunk-driving charge
(Thanks to Dan Traylor)
(Thanks to Andrew Hoenig)
(Thanks to Baron vonKlyff)
(Insert your play on the words "cracks down" here.)
(Thanks to Mollenkamp)
(Thanks to Danny)
Spicy pork sausage found in 'soiled diapers'
(Thanks to DavCat and Baron vonKlyff)
The #1 item on every news program tonight is the coming cold snap. Temperatures tonight are expected to dip below 60 degrees.
We will update you tomorrow, assuming we make it through the night.
Here's a recipe for kid-friendly treats: Boogers on a Stick.
Key instruction: Repeat dipping the pretzel until the booger is the desired size.
(Thanks to Patrick Harvey)