(Thanks to a lot of perverted weirdos alert bloglits)
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(Thanks to a lot of perverted weirdos alert bloglits)
Hallelujah, the terrorists haven't won.
(Thanks to Doug Boeringer)
Now is the time to buy hedgehogs
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
Get out now.
But can you have too much of a good thing?
(Thanks to Johnny Tall Socks)
...for lovers of Olympic competition.
(Thanks to sporting fanatic Ted Habte-Gabr, who is devastated, but not too devastated to send two other urgent items.)
A politician, in a horrendous mistake, expresses his actual opinion.
(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)
Sometimes you get what you deserve(s).
(Thanks to everyone in the world, so don't tell us it's not funny.)
(Thanks to William Cook)
So, as much as we'd like to, we are not blogging these.
(Thanks to Tabitha Sanborn)
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
(Thanks to Mollenkamp)
Help is at hand. So to speak.
(Thanks to Annie Where-but-here)
But we are beginning to love tennis.
(Thanks to Michelle Kaufman, sportswriter and friend)
We have good news.
No, wait, never mind.
This time, they have gone too far.
Clarification: I'm not saying that I can explain why it does. I'm just saying that it does.
A fine idea from Malaysia.
Paula A. finds a cause..
Eerie Boffins and the Zombie Dogs
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and RussellMc)
OK, this is old. But it's still old.
Because they are always having good ideas.
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
...they know what a female needs.
(Thanks to Debi)
(Thanks to Katyna Smith)
("Thanks" to Claire Martin)
The struggle for justice continues.
(Thanks to Ted Habte-Gabr, who sends in a lot of items involving naked men, not that there is anything wrong with that)
(Also thanks to DavCat14)
Now they're mailing hamsters.
Key Person Quoted: Wendy Barry of the British Hamster Association
Photo (of the hamster, not Wendy Barry) here.
(Thanks to DavCat14)
(Thanks to Mollenkamp)
(Thanks to Thomas McNulty)
Does anybody else see a resemblance between...
and the Vulgar British Crazy Frog?
No? OK, neither do we.
You're attending a meeting for parliamentarians and their counterparts, and you have to go to the bathroom, and then suddenly you're like "Ohmyghod! Where's my GUN??"
If Lourdes exceeds the ten grand in any given month, we imagine she'll just have to mow lawns.
We don't want your kind in Upper Hutt.
(Thanks to Ross Marks)
The kitten has two faces.... a story sent in by Wes Kenney and a woman named Cat...originally written by Dan Traylor, designer of the Dave Barry for President seething juggernaut bumper sticker... in a contest on the message board...which was the result of Dave's column... which doesn't actually have two faces, so we're not sure where we're going with this... but it seemed like a good idea at the time...like so many things do.
"Twenty minutes in line TO BUY WATER."
"It's not supposed to be fun for us. It's supposed to be fun for the kids."
"If you kids want to go on Splash Mountain, you're going to have to stop looking at everything."
Evidently, starting about four years ago, 93 percent of all parents of male babies in America decided to name those babies "Dylan." And now there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
There will be dog-vs-owner fights over this.
But inexplicably, we are too distracted to figure it out.
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
(Thanks to Drew Harchick)
(Thanks to Drew Harchick)
It is only a matter of time before Naked Zorro has his own reality show.
(Thanks to Ted Tiki-Gabr, who has displayed an inordinate interest in this story, not that we are suggesting anything)
Now they're trampling on our precious Human Right to sell frog spawn on the Internet. In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room.
In the Tiki Room
In the Tiki Room
In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
In the Tiki Room
In the Tiki Room
In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
This has been your update from Orlando.
I am blogging this by phone from inside the Small World ride. The boats have stopped. Repeating: THE BOATS HAVE STOPPED.
(Update question: If this post is edited, will it then accept comments?)
Thanks to all who submitted them; there are a bunch of 'em up here (scroll all the way down and click on little Ted).
It's all their fault!
(Thanks to George Spiggott)
(Thanks to Lairbo)