San Francisco buys vodka shots for homeless alcoholics in taxpayer-funded program
(Thanks to MOTW, who says "I left my liver in San Francisco.")
« May 12, 2024 | Main | May 14, 2024 »
San Francisco buys vodka shots for homeless alcoholics in taxpayer-funded program
(Thanks to MOTW, who says "I left my liver in San Francisco.")
Van Buren County man finds live grenade while doing yard work
(Thanks to Dave Vander Ark)
EXCLUSIVE: Tania Woods has shared an image she believes shows a ghost at Bodmin Jail
(Thanks to John Lobert, who asks "How can they be certain it isn't Big Foot?")
It was yesterday, and this blog totally forgot to post anything about it, because this blog was busy engaging in Mother's Day activities such as brunch. But that is no excuse. This blog apologizes to the moms out there and hopes they had a fine day yesterday. Also please have yourselves a fine day today. And tomorrow. And forever after. That is how much this blog appreciates you moms.
Speedy turtle invades outfield, stops play at Single-A game in Bradenton
(Thanks to Steve K.)