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January 14, 2021


Praying mantises watching TV.

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Their version of reality TV.

Is this a metaphor for online dating?


Nothing great about this. I have downloaded videos for cats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l70UhhNalqA to my tablet and proceeded to have my cousin's cat watch them. The cat stared at the tablet for hours watching the videos and even looked behind the tablet to see if any mice were there. Amusing, but I didn't think it was youtube worthy. Says a lot about cats, though.

Watching those mantises trying to grab TV butterflies is a heck of a lot more fun than watching the endless, repeating commercials on network TV. Or even watching paint dry or...well, about anything else, come to think on the matter.

as for the mantises, this falls under the category of cruel hoax much like the Gary Larson cartoon of mannequins falling into the sea upsetting the shark population.

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