(Thanks to jon harris)
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(Thanks to jon harris)
(Thanks to sjhaller)
Kangsadarn Wongdusadeekul
(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)
Unlicensed line-dancing instruction.
(Thanks to CJrun)
This is low.
(Thanks to sjhaller) 2015: Canned Bacon
(Thanks to Steve "The Other Steve" Lancaster)
(Thanks to BillyJoeJimBobO
Blogging from me has been sparse because I'm in Los Angeles attending the book industry's big annual trade show, BookExpo America. I ran into several literary celebrities, including Henry "The Fonz" Winkler, shown below in an exclusive CrapCam photo taken by Ridley, who claims the blurriness was caused by poor lighting conditions, as opposed to drugs.
Also on hand was Jazz the DreamDog (on the right):
For a year, he failed to notice that a woman was living in his closet.
(Thanks to sjhaller. Andrew Hoenig, ackraus, Amanda Austin, Danny and chicomathmom)
Key quote: can enjoy instructions on how to make a vase of roses out of strips of fat, or produce the reverse (?!) portrait of Santa Claus in slabs of fat, or marvel at the photos of Mr. Fleiss' "first prize" (?) 200-pound fat sculpture of a cathedral done entirely in slips and chunks and strips of fat.
(Thanks to Russell Mc)
(Thanks to Danny)
We'd have assumed it was the gardener.
(Thanks to Danny)
The man clearly has a death wish.
(Thanks to Susannah Nation and Siouxie)
Always in step with the needs of the global community.
(Thanks to the Perts)
...only outlaws will have hedgehogs.
(Thanks to Chuck and Baron vonKlyff, who should get the blame if this was blogged before)
You could put someone's eye out.
(Thanks to sj haller)
(Thanks to queensbee)
La Scala to stage Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'
(Thanks to Meanie the Blue)
Man Sickened After Snake Bits Him While Using Toilet
Which makes it sound as though the snake was using the toilet. Which is even scarier.
(Thanks to Heather Mays)
These guys may think that this is a new idea. In fact, it has already been done.
(Thanks to Siouxie)
(Thanks to Corey Smith)
Beware the Horror Frog.
(Thanks to Claire Martin and Danny)
Hi Dave,
I came across a site that you might enjoy. I read a newspaper article about a guy up here in Maine that collected undeveloped film from thrift store cameras and then years later developed them. What he ended up with are hundreds of slides from the 1950's [and 60's] era. It's a real hoot. Anyway, here's one of my favorites:
You young folks, just keep your darn comments to yourselves. Fellow riders on the geezer bus: It's keen.
(Navigational tip: Click on the Archives tab.)
...and the comments section of the month.
(Thanks to SandyEggo)
(Thanks to Zach)
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Man in Only Latex Gloves & Underwear Found in Middle of Road
Stan Morris has the story.
(Thanks to Deborah Johnson)
In Canada, they're giving them up for peace. But in Hamilton County, Ohio, you have to wear them to visit the jail.
(Thanks to DavCat and Bob Brogan)
A woman claims her cancer was diagnosed thanks to a headbutting cow.
(Thanks to DavCat)
(Thanks to Susannah Nation)
The space-station toilet is stopped up.
(Thanks to BillyJoeJimBob, Annie Eitman and mama723. And Jeff Meyerson. And Dan Traylor. Most of these people believe the problem is linked to space beer.) are talking trombone players.
(Thanks to Karen M.)
(Thanks to Paul Larsen)
A French skydiver who was going to try to set a free-fall record had to give up because his balloon took off without him. Which is exactly how this blog would have handled it.
(Thanks to Siouxie)
(Thanks to Matt Filar)
Port St. Lucie man arrested with beef sticks and 'hot sausages' in pants
(Thanks to Matt Filar and Danny)
Robotic woman gives birth in Glenwood
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
This blog is certainly not bitter that despite this blog's efforts, Wikipedia deleted the article on exploding cows on the grounds that, if you want to get technical, cows do not, as a rule, explode. Or so the so-called "experts" say. But we are wondering if Wikipedia might want to reconsider its decision, in light of this article from the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle, which contains the following statement:
Blood and gore aren't new concepts for Box, who had an exploding cow in his Pickett book, "Savage Run."
(Emphasis added for emphasis.)
A woman says she is married to the Berlin Wall.
(Thanks to DavCat, Amanda Austin and Danny)
Disturbing video here.
Key Quote From Man Bleeding From Head: "I'd recommend it to anybody."
(Thanks to sjhaller, Cheryl Howard and Siouxie)
Officer responding to break-in nabs dead turkey
(Thanks to Siouxie and sjhaller and DavCat)
(Thanks to Siouxie and Baron von Klyff)
(Thanks to The Perts)
(Thanks to many people)
(Thanks to DavCat and Jeff Meyerson and sjhaller)