May 01, 2013

Good news on Heat's preference for next round; plus Dolphins' biggest need (with poll), Tebow rumor, Broussard, Sad-O-Meter, glowing sheep & more

1aa1king1) It is THURSDAY, MAY 2. Happy dos de Mayo! 2) Always been a big Snoop Dogg fan. Now here is the reincarnated, reggae-fied Snoop Lion: Here Comes The King. 3) Panthers not making the NHL postseason? Unfortunate. Me not having to feign interest in the Stanley Cup playoffs? Priceless! 4) Click on Weatherman Battles Hiccups on Air for funny vid. 5) In The Previous Blogpost (ITPB): NBA's gay player, Dolphins' SB odds, Ed DuBois, Sad-O-Meter. 5bJoin us on Twitter @agregcote.

Dolphins/Tebow rumor: How'd it start? I mean beyond ther usual Internet nonsense? Agent Drew Rosenhaus said on WQAM this week he "wouldn't be shocked" if Miami showed interest in free agent QB Tim Tebow. That's how. Drew was doing what good agents do: Trying to drum up business. Tying to create the illusion of smoke so there appears to be fire. Most who follow the team closely would be far more shocked than Rosenhaus if Miami showed any interest. Bet against it. Big.

HEAT (AND FANS) SHOULD HAVE CLEAR PREFERENCE IN BULLS-NETS SERIES: [Update: Nets beat Bulls tonight to tie series 3-3, with Game 7 in Brooklyn]. What opponent should Heat players and fans most want to face in the second round starting Monday in Miami? Players would never say it because to do so would build confidence in the team they'd least like to play or incentive in the one they'd prefer. (Also, the confident Heat "fears" no team; Miami instills fear in others). But there is no doubt the Heat matches up better with Brooklyn than 1aa1aheadChicago and should hope the Nets -- who tied the series tonight and now host Game 7 -- can win one more. Miami was 3-0 vs. Brooklyn this season by an average margin of 18 points, but only 2-2 vs. Chicago, which ended Miami's 27-game win streak. But it's more than that, and more than the possibility (however remote) that Bulls star Derrick Rose could make his lonnnnng-awaited return in the next round. It is that Chicago defends Miami's strength better than any team in the NBA. LeBron James driving and then kicking it out for an open corner-3 (Ray Allen's moneymaker) is a huge part of the Heat's game. Miami shot 44 corner 3's in swamping Milwaukee in the first round, or 11 per game. But Chicago's defense this season allowed an NBA-low 3.6 corner-3 attempts per game. statwonk Tom Haberstroh has more on this here. Defensively the Bulls were better than the Nets this season in most categories, but it is their denying the corner-3 that would most challenge the Heat. Also worth noting, Chicago outrebounded Miami by 36 (175-139) in the four season meetings, and limited the Heat to 30 percent on 3-point shots (21-for-70), versus Miami's 41% on 3's against everybody else. Don't get me wrong. Miami still would be a heavy favorite to beat the Bulls, and deservedly. But the challenge would be a stark contrast to the playoffs' "soft opening" in that sweep of the Bucks.

DOLPHINS' BIGGEST REMAINING HOLES, POST-DRAFT: Left tackle seems to be getting most of the current attention and tryout calls (which must make Jonathan Martin feel like crap), and I can 1aa1helpunderstand that. But for me there are other roster soft spots of some concern. They include cornerback, where starters Brent Grimes and Richard Marshall would hardly count among the NFL's best tandems; tight end, where Dustin Keller is a marginal upgrade over departed Anthony Fasano; and perhaps running back, where Lamar Miller and Daniel Thomas leave Miami lacking proof. Also wonder if we might add linebacker, where Koa Misi and newcomers Dannell Ellerbe and Philip Wheeler have much to prove in an overhauled unit. What do you think is the Dolphins' biggest remaining area of concern and why?

Poll note: One choice above is garnering roughly two-thirds of all the votes. There is a phrase in the business for something like that. The phrase is, "Lousy poll idea."

PETITION TO SUSPEND BROUSSARD CIRCULATING: ESPN basketball analyst Chris Broussard is under fire for calling out-of-the-closet NBA player Jason Collins a sinner and saying his homosexuality is an 1aa1fa"open rebellion to God and Jesus Christ." The faith-based group Faithful America (click for the petition) is collecting online signatures calling for ESPN to suspend Broussard for what the group's executive director Michael Sherrard called allowing Broussard to "mischaracterize our faith and use the teachings of Jesus as the basis for gay-bashing." Faithful America's slogan is, "Love thy neighbor. No Exceptions."

MARLINS "SAD-O-METER" LIVES ON: We have this new blog feature 1aa1bbsadwe're updating as long as the Marlins' winning percentage is under .300. The New York Mets' 1962 record of 40-120 (.250) is widely regarded as the single worst season in modern MLB history and the Marlins had been on pace to threaten that ignominy. A recent three-game win streak almost tipped the Fish up over .300 to at least temporarily shut down our Sad-O-Meter, but tonight in Philly made it two losses in a row. So: MARLINS SAD-O-METER: Current record, 8-21 (.276). Updated season pace, 44.69 wins, 117.31 losses.

1aa1glowsheepSOUNDS LIKE A BAA-AAAD IDEA: Scientists in Uruguay have engineered a "genetically modified" sheep that glows in the dark. (And you became a scientist for what exactly!?) WWMT? [What Would (Ron) Magill Think?] Click here for the story. Remember. This is a blog. I couldn't say it if it weren't true.

Click back. Will be updating/adding to this latest blogpost...

February 12, 2013

Sports in Miami: Still a Football Town or now a Basketball Town? Poll. Vote!; plus Canes win again, affenpinscher, Tiger, the next Pope & more

Hurricanes win again!: No. 3-ranked UM men win last night at Florida State, 74-68. Not easy, but impressive considering Canes had not won in Tally since 2006. Poll position: Protected.

1aa1mj50[1) It is THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. New blogpost coming later this morning. 2) Michael Jordan turns 50 and is on Sports Illustrated's cover for the 50th time. 3) Tiger Woods has confirmed he will play the Honda Classic beginning Feb. 28 in Palm Beach Gardens. Huge. Tiger still the biggest draw in golf. 4) Happy 204th birthday yesterday, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, as most know, is the former vampire hunter who also served as U.S. president. 5) In The Previous Blogpost (ITPB): Heat and Canes on fire, Grammys, Kate Upton. 5b) Join us on Twitter @gregcote]

"I may be paranoid. I heard somebody this week refer to 'Fat Tuesday' and I thought they were talking about me." -- Greg Cote

Click on The Ultimate Double-Double for my recent column, on the possibility Miami this year could accomplish something that has happened only twice in 66 years: One city celebrating an NBA title and an NCAA men's champion the same year.

WHAT ARE WE? FOOTBALL TOWN OR BASKETBALL TOWN?: There used to be no doubt. Miami was a Football Town by acclaim. It was so because, rounded off roughly from 1970 through 2000 we had Super 1aa1basketball 1aa1footballBowls, Don Shula, Dan Marino and five Hurricanes national titles in a seemingly endless run. Neither the Heat nor two Marlins World Series crowns could penetrate the football armor, and Panthers hockey stayed mostly on the periphery. Is football losing its grip, though? The Dolphins and Canes haven't been national powers in a long time, while the Heat have become just that. Now, too, suddenly, UM men's hoops ranks No. 3 in the nation. Does the Canes' emergence and especially the full blossom of the LeBron James Era change the dynamic? is Miami now a Basketball Town or at least moving in that direction? That is what this poll is about. Apologies in advance to baseball, hockey, soccer, cricket and kickball fans, but at this point it's an either/or on football or basketball. Remember, this is not a favorite-team poll, but rather a read on which sport is now bigger here. South Floridians, how do we now think of ourselves in terms of sports? Folks from elsewhere, which sport do you now most associate with Miami? Vote and say why.

BANANA JOE IS TOP DOG: Affenpinscher sounds like a condition I should see my doctor about but 1aa1bananajoeinstead is a breed of small dog, and one of its kind, Banana Joe (pictured) won the big prize this week at the 137th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The inherent ridiculousness of pampered, preening, prancing dogs on parade is what inspired a favorite movie of mine, Best In Show, which you absolutely must watch if you have not. Still trying to confirm speculation that Banana Joe celebrated his triumph by taking an unceremonious dump on the red carpet.

IF THE NEXT POPE WAS AMERICAN, AND HE WAS A MIAMI SPORTS FIGURE: It has come to my attention that Pope Benedict XVI is stepping down at the end of this month on account of old age, which 1aa1jackpopehappens once every 598 years. Catholics world-wide are abuzz, and speculation roars: Who'll be the next Pope? Enough with Europe, already. It is time for an American Pope! It also is time for tradition-bound Catholics to think outside the box and anoint someone who is devout but also a lay person. My nominee for next Pope, pictured right, is former Marlins manager Jack McKeon: Pope John Aloysius MMIII (the Roman numerals designating the 2003 Marlins World Series title he won). Jack is the right age for a Pope, 82, and is a devout 1aa1donpopeCatholic who attends Mass regularly. The Pope has worn a baseball hat (right); why then can't a baseman man don a papal hat? The 1aa1bbpopeone possible drawback -- cigar smoke in the Vatican -- could be overcome. Should Jack not accept the post, my two other nominees for next Pope are, pictured left, Don Shula or Edwin Pope. Shula is the right age, 83, and also is a devout Catholic. He would be Pope Donald Francis LXXII (designating the '72 Perfect Season). Edwin Pope, 84, may or may not be a Catholic, or devout, but has 1aa1edwinpopethe perfect name. No Roman numerals would be needed. He simply would be Pope Pope. Should the Catholic Church choose to maintain tradition and require that the next Pope be a Cardinal, there is no clear choice. It might have been Stan Musial, but he just died.

OBAMA'S STATE OF UNION ADDRESS: Forgetting the politics or content of it, I thought the oratory was strong. The "they deserve a vote" chant over the applause on gun-control was effective speech-making. By the way, I hate when the other party gets to air the opposing view right afterward. I'd hate it no matter who was or wasn't in office. To me, a president through his election has won the right to present the State of the Union without an immediate televised counterpoint from the side whose ideas and ideals were not elected. I may be wrong.

Click back. Will be updating/adding to this latest blogpost...

March 31, 2012

Who is "face" of Miami Marlins? Vote now (with poll); plus Panthers' momentous day, Kentucky reigns, uh-oh Heat, WrestleMania, Seinfeld, atheism & more

[1) It is Tuesday, April 3. Our yay-or-nay poll on WWE professional wrestling still welcomes your votes in the blogpost directly below this. 2) Ryan Leaf was arrested on burglary and drug possession charges in Montana. Headline: 'Draft Bust Busted.' 3) Join us on Twitter @gregcote.

DOLPHINS ACQUIRE PEYTON MANNING FROM BRONCOS FOR TWO FIRST-ROUND PICKS!: OK that headline was my token April Fool's joke from Sunday. Obligation met. Moving on now...

THE "FACE" OF THE MIAMI MARLINS IS...: ESPN named the "face" of every MLB franchise and for the 1aa1face1 1aa1faceMarlins it was manager Ozzie Guillen. ("Sounds like a poll!," I thought to myself. The timing is right, with the Marlins hosting the Yankees Sunday and again last night at the new ballpark prior to Wednesday's historic Opening Day). I can see the choice of Guillen but for me the current face of the franchise probably is Hanley Ramirez. How about for you? Use your own definition of what the "face of a franchise" even means. Is it always the biggest star? Is it the person who best represents the team? Is longevity a factor? For me it is the person who comes to mind first when you think "Marlins." And for me the face of a franchise demands a national perspective, not just local. What would a baseball fan in New York or California say? Then again I'm more interested in what Marlins fans think. The list is alphabetical, and apologies for initially having "Mike" Stanton instead of Giancarlo. Old habits, ya know? Vote and say why.

Click on Play Ball, Already for my latest column, off Sunday's Marlins-Yankees game.

MOMENTOUS DAY LOOMS FOR PANTHERS: This could be it. Tonight's home game against Winnipeg could find the Panthers clinching an NHL playoff spot after an 10-season drought, finally ending the long suffering of local hockey fans. Florida clinches -- and wins its first division title ever -- by winning tonight. Florida also would clinch if Buffalo lost, or if the Cats and Sabres boht earn only one standings point. Panthers' presumptive first-round playoff opponent looks like the New Jersey Devils. Toughdraw. Whatever. Playoffs! We've missed you Lord Stanley. 

WRESTLEMANIA XVIII: CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'?!: The Rock beat John Cena 1aa1dolwrestlein Sunday night's featured Wrestlemania match at Dolphins stadium. Imagine that? The local hometown hero winning in an upset? FLABBERGASTING! Wrestling: It keeps surpring you, doesn't it? WWE filled the stadium. I kid pro wrestling; not a huge fan. But I respect the business model and how the sport constantly evolves and stays fresh. The packaging and marketing are spot-on.    

SPECIAL K: KENTUCKY BEATS KANSAS IN NCAA FINAL: Can anybody stop Kentucky? Since you asked ... no. As coach John Calipari's nearly NBA-ready Cats proved again last night. The 67-59 margin over Kansas suggested a reasonably close game but it didn't feel that way. Felt like Kentcuky was in control throughout. I had Kentucky winning it all in my pool but was long-eliminated from the money pot so found myself rooting for underdog Kansas. That was the team of juniors and seniors against the one-and-done crowd from Kentucky. Credit where it's due, though. Youth was served.

1aa1beach2 1aa1beach1BIKINIS NOW OPTIONAL IN BEACH VOLLEYBALL: Beginning this summer the Olympics will make bikinis optional in women's beach volleyball. I got excited when I heard that because I thought it would be, like, a clothing-optional beach or something. Instead it means women can now dress more modestly in shorts and sleeved tops if they wish. I find this an outrage! A travesty!! Television ratings will plummet as a once-cheeky, titillating sport (yes I can say that in a blog) dresses up, tones down and becomes just another competition. The operative word here is "barely." That word used to describe why most men watched. Covered up, the word will describe most men's interest level.

1aa1mariasharapovaSHARAPOVA THE SHRIEKER LOSES, DJOKOVIC WINS: Maria "Shriekin'" Sharapova was favored but error-prone and lost Saturday to Agnieszka Radwanska in the women's tennis final down on Key Biscayne. Her loud grunt-squeals on every shot are annoying but when you play that well (except not this time) and look that good (see photo), such idiosyncracies are indulged. Novak Djokovic beat Andy Murray as expected Sunday in the largely grunt-squeal-shriek-free men's final.

DWYANE WADE'S NEPHEW SHOT: A nephew of Dwyane Wade, nine years younger, was among six young men shot (one fatally) outside a store on Chicago's South Side late Thursday. Click here for the story. Wade said he expects his relative to recover and that he played with a "heavy heart" in last night's win in Toronto. Just days ago Heat players took a photo wearing hoodies in support of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed Florida teen killed by a neighborhood-watch guard. Now, for Wade, the gun violence that his foundation works to fight has hit closer to home.

Heat's uh-oh moment in Boston: The week needn't wait for Wednesday's visit by Oklahama City for its drama. Sunday's blowout loss at Boston found the Celtics hot, and a very possible first-round playoff opponent for Miami and a tough draw. Miami was anything but hot. Never I thought I'd see the Big 3 Heat score only 72 points. Celts are creaky-old but still find ways to win. Oprah had her a-ha moment. The Heat (on the road at least) keep giving us uh-oh moments.

1aa1atheistsHOW WOULD GOD FEEL ABOUT ATHEISTS?: Saw a thought-provoking bumper sticker today that declared, 'God Doesn't Believe In Atheists.' Now I'm no expert on theology, but I am led to think a God who is all about forgiveness would hold no animus against (and therefore, in effect, believe in) His non-believers.

MINI-REVIEW: JERRY SEINFELD LIVE: Saw Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up act at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts the other night. (Because when your wife buys two tickets, you don't complain about missing the NCAA basketball semifinals on TV. You say, "Thanks, dear.") I'm a fan of his but not one of those worshipping types who still watches Seinfeld re-runs for the 34th time and laughs all over again. Anyway, I thought his show was great. I mean great. Nothing ground-breaking, just observational humor about everyday stuff. (A schtick about nothing...) No jokes would even be LOL in print. It's all timing and delivery with this guy, and he's a master. Audience howling. Not a single reference to his long-running, iconic, eponymous sitcom, but no matter. Terrific performance.

THE LIST: THE FLORIDA DERBY: In honor of Saturday's 61st running of the Florida Derby at Gulfstream -- a Take Charge indy upset over favored Union Rags -- here are the 12 Fla-Derby winners who went on to win the Kentucky Derby:

Year   Horse

2008   Big Brown

2006   Barbaro

2001   Monarchos

1995   Thunder Gulch

1990   Unbridled

1984   Swale

1979   Spectacular Bid

1968   Forward Pass

1964   Northern Dancer

1961   Carry Back

1958   Tim Tam

1956   Needles

Click back. Will be updating and adding to this latest blogpost...

July 25, 2011

Can Jeff Ireland do it? Help him set Dolphins' free-agent priority (with poll); plus DeAngelo Williams to Miami and Ronnie Brown to Pats?, bizarre death of Harry Potter's brother & more

[Join our live chat tomorrow/Wednesday 1-2 p.m. Click on Chatty to tap in live then or to post questions, bon mots and pithyisms any time. Also join the modest parade at]. 

Click on TIME FOR JEFF IRELAND TO STEP UP, PROVE HIMSELF for my latest column, online now and shipping to Tuesday's pulp editions. It's on the end of the NFL lockout segueing into a truncated, madcap trades-and-free agency window that finds the Dolphins, and especially GM Jeff Ireland, under the gun to move both boldly and quickly. For Miami, this is an opportunity. Also, it is an obligation. Because Dolfans deserve better.



1aa1lock LONG NATIONAL NIGHTMARE ENDS! NFL MAKES PEACE!: This new 'Back to Football' logo (above) is bugled across the website. The two sides have agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement, the 132-day lockout is over, and free-agent and trade negotiations may begin today/Tuesday. Let the madness begin! Click here for a detailed pdf-document summary of the new CBA sent to agents. I'm being a bit facetious on the "long national nightmare," by the way. The NFL lockout of four-plus months affected my life not a bit and, by all indications, affected the NFL hardly at all. No games missed. Preseason scarcely impacted. Best I can tell, teams missed a few "mini-camps" and OTA (organized team activity) days. Big whoop. Plenty of players were secretly thrilled to not have those high-heat mini-camps. Now, on deck: the truncated piranha tank otherwise known as free agency. Click here for a recent column of mine on where the Dolphins should be looking. I would target QBs Kyle Orton or Vince Young, running backs Ahmad Bradshaw, DeAngelo Williams or Reggie Bush (in that order), and also consider WR Plaxico Burress and bringing back OLB Jason Taylor. What would your advice be to Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland? Let's pretend he asked. Help Ireland with his to-do list in terms of Miami's FA priority. Vote now.

1aa1devlin DOLPHINS SIGN A QUARTERBACK! (SORT OF): Dolphins today/Tuesday signed undrafted Delaware QB Pat Devlin (pictured). This is good news if he's being brought in as a longshot training-camp body. This is bad news if this is the extent of Miami's run on guys to compete with Chad Henne. Let's assume and hope it's the former, and that Dolphins still are setting sights on bigger targets like Kyle Orton or Vince Young.

DEANGELO TO MIAMI, RONNIE TO PATS?: Sports Illustrated's wise Peter King projects Carolina running back DeAngelo Williams ending up with Dolphins in his outlook for top 50 free agents in the latest SI. King also guesses projects Miami will land Atlanta guard Harvey Dahl. Also notable, he has Ronnie Brown ending up with Patriots. Oy! In the same issue, SI's Jim Trotter calls QB Vince Young a "good fit" for Miami. Here's hoping it's yes for MIA on both Williams and Young. Meantime, ESPN's Adam Schefter reports Miami is interested in newly released Cowboys RB Marion Barber.

BIZARRE CIRCUMSTANCES CLAIM TORTURED LIFE OF HARRY POTTER'S BROTHER: The little-known older 1aa1alpotter brother of Harry Potter has been identified as the victim in what London police are calling the world's first known planking-related death. An apparently drunk Al Potter, 36, died while planking in a West End intersection and being run over by a Fiat driven by the grandson of original Kinks drummer Mick Avory. Planking is a fad in which participants lay face-down in an incongruous setting. Relatives of Al Potter, an orphan, are calling the death a suicide. "He couldn't take it any more," said an aunt who declined to give her name. "Everything was about Harry and it drove him mad. Al was denied admission to Hogwarts, began drinking 12, 15 Stellas a day, had 'Voldemort' tattooed across the broad of his back -- just rebelled in jealousy and went off the deep end. Sad." Al Potter, single, attempted to enter trade school but failed as a blacksmith. He later failed as a Harry Potter impersonator (pictured). Relatives say his depression had worsened recently with failed efforts to self-publish a biographical novel, "The Smithying World Of Al Potter." Funeral arrangements are pending.

1aa1backstreets GIANT-HEADED DON SHULA LEADS "BACK TO FOOTBALL" RALLY: Love the big cardboard cutouts of Brandon Marshall and Jake Long, but not nearly as much as I love the gigantic Don Shula head. This is a local Dolphins-organized Back to Football rally that appears to be populated entirely by Dolphins employees, but, maybe it was just early. At any rate, GIANT SHULA HEAD RULES!

1aa1lebronleg INKY LOVE FOR LEBRON: See, Cleveland, LeBron James is not universally hated, after all. A fan has had a likeness of LeBron's face (and a damned good one at that) tattooed on his leg. The fan posted this photo on Twitter, and LeBron Tweeted back: Oh damn! That's how u feel. I appreciate the love.

BELIEVE, OR BURN?: Some may know I'm a fan of puns and wordplay, so I rather enjoyed a church sign I saw today: "Follow the Son, And You Won't End Up Burning." However, upon further reflection, I thought it a tad harsh to consign cremation in hell to those of perhaps divergent beliefs. When did 'religious tolerance' become an oxymoron? I'm just saying.

1aa1giantshw BEARDED GIANT GETS PAST WHITE HOUSE SECURITY: Here is a photo of Barack Obama honoring the World Series champ Giants at the White House today. I am thinking it is no coincidence that closer Brian Wilson and his astoundingly creepy beard were not allowed anywhere close to the president. Also, cannot confirm that Republicans demanded equal time to profess that they love the Giants even more.

1aa1joepa GOTTA LOVE JOE PA: Pictured is a photo of Penn State octogenarian football coach Joe Paterno in his office staring through lenses thick enough to be hurricane-grade glass at a computer screen the size of a braggart's television. You go, Joe! 

Click back. Likely to be adding yet more stuff to this latest blogpost later...

May 20, 2011

Bulletin: End of world threatens Heat-Bulls Game 3! Wait. Never mind; plus statue mania, Udonis, "In loving memory of..." decals & more

1aa1savage [R.I.P. Randy "Macho Man" Savage, pictured in latter days. Note: Main Heat-Bulls playoff post may be found in the blog directly below this latest post. Also, join us at No contracts, no meetings, open bar].

1aa1judgment HEAT-BULLS GAME 3 IN GRAVE JEOPARDY AS JUDGMENT DAY THREATENS OBLITERATION OF ENTIRE WORLD INCLUDING NBA PLAYOFFS!: It has come to my attention that life as we know it would cease to exist on Saturday. I'm surprised this has not gotten more attention. We're all just so busy! I saw the billboard pictured along the Turnpike the other day and would have thought the result would have been mass panic, or at least a decent vehicular pileup. Evidently May 21, 2011 -- that's today -- is the day of rapture, Judgment Day, when the world will end in joy for believers swept into Heaven, and in despair for heathens. The world ending Saturday naturally means, of course, there will be no Heat-Bulls Game 3 here Sunday. Ticket holders may seek a full refund ... in hell! The 1aa1camping apocalypse also means Miami-Dade has wasted yet more taxpayer money by staging a Tuesday mayoral election that will never come. Further, it means the NFL lockout will never end and the Dolphins' Super Bowl drought will stretch into perpetuity. On a brighter note, Chad Henne will never throw another interception! What will you miss most with Saturday's End of Days? No I mean other than this blog. The May 21 Judgment Day is the brainchild of Family Radio network founder Harold Camping, 89 (pictured). (Why am I imagining God looking at Camping and shaking His head?)  Camping previously predicted Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 1994, and might have been right, had the request ever made it through Jesus' protective phalanx of personal assistants. Cannot confirm, but I hear Camping has a $100 bet on the Heat covering Sunday. You know, just in case. [Update: The world evidently did not end Saturday as scheduled. So Sunday's Heat-Bulls Game 3 is on pending a delayed Rapture].

HONK IF YOU'VE BEEN IMMORTALIZED WITH A STATUE: Former Lakers great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said he is underappreciated and feels slighted because the team has not erected a statue in his honor outside the Staples Center. Let me ask you something: How big an ego do you have to have to be miffed because your former employer has failed to immortalize 1aa1skate you in bronze? The statue trend in sports has gotten absurd. Remember when statues were reserved for Greek gods sculpted in marble and historical figures of great importance in the nation's capital? Now Tim Tebow has a couple of nice years and he's in bronze outside Florida Field. How many accolades do you athletes need, anyway? You are lavishly paid and heroically adored. You have championship parades and keys to the city. You have halls of fame and rings of honor. Now you need a statue, too? Really, athletes? I think the only athlete who deserves a statue is the first one to humbly state that's too much. People who make statues for a living must be behind this trend. I see it spreading beyond sports to other walks of life. I see nothing stopping this trend with the possible exception of Saturday's Armageddon. I believe The Miami Herald should erect a statue of me outside 1 Herald Plaza to give the wandering homeless a gathering point. The salesman who moves the most cars should have a statue outside the dealership. Subjects of statues need not stand the test of time, either. Why wait? The other day I drove past a boy expertly riding a skateboard. In his honor I commissioned the statue you see pictured.

1aa1haslemu AN ODE TO UDONIS: In today's column I write with unabashed sentiment in praise of the Heat's Udonis Haslem, and what his Wednesday night playoff performance meant to him, not just to his team and to fans. Click on Heart of the Heat to read it. Haslem will make his home playoff debut Sunday night in Game 3. I think the moment he rises from the bench to enter the game for the first time will be a very, very special moment in that arena. [Update: Just got a nice email from Udonis' old coach, Frank Martin, now of Kansas State, saying thanks for the column and praising Haslem].

1aa1memory ON "IN LOVING MEMORY OF..." CAR DECALS: You know the kind I mean? If not an example is pictured. They are proliferating. What do we think? I have mixed feelings. More power to the vehicle owner who believes this expression is either an outlet for his sorrow or a tribute to his departed friend or relative. I suppose there are no rules on grief. Then again (no disrespect meant) isn't a loved one's death a bit of a personal matter to be casually sharing with the stranger behind you at the red light? Almost a too-much-information thing. It's like having a bumper sticker on your car that reads, 'My Daughter Suffers Clinical Depression'. Of course I could be wrong.

LOCAL RADIO RATINGS: Best battle among the four local sports-talk stations is 6-10 a.m. between WQAM's Joe Rose and 790 The Ticket's Jorge Sedano. Rose won the latest ratings book out this week with 3.5/3.6 by age group to Sedano's 3.0/3.0. The two other stations were blips, with Mike & Mike on 940 registering 0.3/0.8 and Armando & The Amigo on 640 showing 0.0/0.3. Look at me I'm like Barry Jackson here with ratings talk! I'm not sure how you get a 0.0, by the way. I think it means your wife used to listen, but then she switched to Sedano.

THE MIND OF MENDENHALL: Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall previously caused ire by Tweeting in apparent sympathy of Osama bin Laden, blasting those who celebrated his death. Mendenhall's latest Tweet: "Happy Birthday El Hajj Malik El Shabazz #Respect #Salute." That's Malcolm X, of course. Rashard is gradually working his way back into the good graces of the Terrible Towel crowd. I suppose his next Tweet will be to suggest that foreign cars are best and that the American labor movement would be better off without unions.

Click back. Will be adding more stuff to this latest blogpost later today and into Saturday...

April 11, 2011

Dear UM: Frank Martin is begging to coach here. Hire him! (with poll); plus Canes hire AD, Heat title odds, Dolphins preseason, religion and sports, dumb statues, Gaga & more

[Live Chat Wednesday! It's today 1-2 p.m. Click on CHAT to join us live then or to post questions early. Also join us at Happy to announce I have been invited to the upcoming Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. OK not really. I lied].

1aa1eichorsts CANES PLUMB WISCONSIN FOR NEW A.D.: University of Miami has hired as its new athletic director Shawn Eichorst, who held the deputy AD position at Wisconsin. Initial thought: Eichorst, pictured, appears to be nearly as white as the guy he replaces, Kirby Hocutt. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Board of Trustees athletic advisory chief Paul DiMare ostensibly led the search, but this hiring bears President Donna Shalala's fingerprints. Eichorst was the No. 2 man to Barry Alvarez, a good friend of Shalala's from her tenure at Wisconsin. Also interesting: One of Eichorst's accounts at UW was overseeing men's basketball. He'll have a say on Miami's pending hire, and a ton of Canes fans are hoping he'll be the last-minute champion who brings Frank Martin back to Miami.

1aa1fmartion MARTIN LOBBIES (QUIETLY) FOR CANES JOB; UM TURNS DEAF EAR: Successful, proven, winning Kansas State coach Frank Martin, the Miami native of Cuban heritage -- the perfect UM hire to replace Frank Haith -- is all but begging for a homecoming, but the Canes aren't calling. UM seemed to favor Harvard's Tommy Amaker but he said Tuesday he's staying in the Ivy League. Martin (pictured) is better. Martin told the Associated Press that Miami hasn't called, but that he'd be willing to listen if they did. Knowing money might be an issue, he went as far as to reveal his salary is $1.1 million, not the $1.55 he has seen reported. In other words, even the money is negotiable. UM has "character" concerns with Martin but should not. It isn't too late. Hire this guy! Click on My Favorite Martin for the newest column by me on this, online now and shipping to Tuesday's pulp edition. (And thanks for making it today's most-read sports column...) Then again my preference for Martin might not be shared. Take a dip in our poll.

HEAT TITLE LIKELIHOOD PUT AT 13.4%. BUT WHO'S COUNTING?: Tonight Heat win at Atlanta, 98-90, to clinch No. 2 seed in conference. Got close in the fourth, but unlikely hero James Jones bucketed seven straight points. Good signs lately. Big game by the bench in Sunday's win over Boston, bow bench-man Jones sparking things. Original post: nerds with a computer and too much free time figured it that the Bulls have a leading 26.6 percent probability of winning the NBA championship as of right now, then it's Miami at 13.4. Rounding out the top five: Nuggets 11.4, Lakers 10.9, Spurs 9.5. Heat catch a break with Boston's inopportune slump, and likely lucking to draw 76ers instead of Knicks as a first-round foe. Miami 3-0 in season vs. Philly and should sweep series or take five games at most.

DOLPHINS' PRESEASON: Announced today: @ Atlanta, home Carolina, @ Tampa, home Dallas.

1aa1a'sbb RELIGION AND SPORTS A WEIRD MIX: USA Today trend piece says more and more leagues, led by MLB, are incorporating religion into their theme nights. For example, the Oakland A's on May 17 will debut a "Jewish Heritage Night." Am told the Marlins will also have a religious-themed night later this season. I don't feel strongly about this and am certainly not anti-religion, I just think it's a bit weird to bring religion so overtly to the ballpark. I thought we had particular places for that called churches, synagogues and mosques.

1aa1wmssis WILLIAMS SISTERS + FASHION = HEAVEN: Pictured left is a photo Serena Williams just posted on her Twitter account. A hot-pink full body stocking. What I love about Serena and Venus' fashion sense is the subtlety, the nuanced understatement.

THE MASTERS: THE THREE LESSONS: 1) Charl Schwartzel has a funny name. 2) Rory McIlroy might never live down Sunday. 3) Though his winless drought goes on, write off Tiger Woods at your own peril. Eldrick has major wins left in him.

NFL LOCKOUT, MADDEN VIDEO NEWS: Judge orders NFL and players to mediation in Minneapolis beginning Thursday. Geez wake me when this ponderous thing is over. In other ridiculous football news, the four finalists to grace the cover of Madden NFL '12 are Peyton Hillis, Adrian Peterson, Aaron Rodgers and Michael Vick. Logic rules out Hillis (not yet prominent enough) and Vick (lingering doggy baggage), and A.P. is coming of a so-so-for-him year. Rodgers a no-brainer pick.

1aa1tebow PARADE OF DUMB STATUES CONTINUES: Remember when statues were reserved for historical figures of great import? The statue has been devalued by increasing overuse. Latest example: Gators unveil Tim Tebow statue (pictured) outside Florida Field. Are you [bleep]ing kidding me!? Do not be outdone, UM! When next covering a Canes football game I expect to be greeted by a bronze Vinny Testaverde!

IS THERE A TRIPLE CROWN FAVORITE HORSE? NEIGH: Most track denizens pegged the upcoming Kentucky Derby (and by extension Triple Crown) favorite as Uncle Mo, but he took an unexpected crap in the weekend's Wood Memorial prep race. So I say again what I wrote off the Florida Derby: Dialed In is as close to a KY-Derby fave as anything on four legs, bred for distance and with Nick Zito training.

AK-47 NEWS: I saw this headline and I'm thinking, "So that's what Evan Longoria has been doing while on the DL..."

1aa1gaga WELCOME, LADY GAGA: Madonna 2.0 plays the Sunrise arena tonight and Miami Wednesday. I like Lady Gaga, see much talent behind the facade. But I don't like her enough that I wouldn't pass along an embarrassing video of her falling off a piano during a recent concert in Houston. Click here.  

THE LIST: LOCAL PLAYOFF SEASONS: With the Heat's playoff run about to begin, the playoff track record of our four pro franchises:

Team   PO Pct.   (Seasons/Playoff Apps.)

Heat   65.2   (23/15; most recently 2011)

Dolphins   48.9   (45/22; most recently 2008)

Panthers   18.2   (17/3; most recently 2000)

Marlins   11.1   (18/2; most recently 2003)

Click back. Adding more stuff to this new post later...

August 10, 2010

Ronnie Brown vs. Ricky Williams (with poll); plus Isiah quits Knicks, LeBron hires rabbi, Arroyo sings, ESPN has UM 10th, Van Gundy's motive, Pope-in-cap & more

1aaramadan [Notes: 1. Thanks to all who tapped into Live Chat Wednesday. Do it each week from noon to 1. Click HERE to join live or to post questions any time. 2. Follow at It's like one big happy family, other than nobody knows each other. 3. Tiger Woods poll still accepting votes in blogpost directly below this. 4. A happy, reflective Ramadan to all our Muslim friends. Get right with your Allah. Fast!].

1aalebronrabbi KING JAMES GOES OLD TESTAMENT: Verifying that the mega-rich are just looking for ways to spend silly money, Heat star LeBron James today paid Rabbi Yishayahu Yosef Pinto -- "Rabbi to the Business Stars" -- a six-figure sum to serve as his spiritual guide for upcoming business decisions. (Better the rabbi than Bernie Madoff. OY! Remember when the clergy ministered quietly to their flock? Off-camera and with scant renumeration?) Meeting took place on a yacht off the coast of New York, according to, which broke this important story and from whom we relay the telling photo. Couple of interesting notes. 1) Rabbi Pinto is 37 but looks 87 because of the fantastic, funky beard. 2) The rabbi speaks only Hebrew, so hopefully LeBron also sprung for an interpreter. 3) The Heat's pregame ritual this season just prior to tipoff will include players sharing a bottle of Manischewitz and chanting Hava Nagila. OK I made up that last part. But not the rest of it. Postscript: For your multicultural enjoyment, I present the phrase "Heat win it all" in Hebrew: 

חום זכיה שזאת כל

RONNIE VS. RICKY, RICKY VS. RONNIE: Ronnie Brown. Ricky Williams. Two good backs, one solid tandem. Together they are one of the Dolphins' strengths. But only one can start. Every team has a No. 1. Somebody is going to play more and carry more. There is little doubt that will be Brown. But should it be? Who would you prefer to have the bigger role and most carries, Dolfans?  And why? Take a dip in our poll.

'MADDEN 11' PLAYER RATINGS FOR DOLPHINS: Guys rating 90-plus are WR Brandon Marshall (96), LT Jake Long (96) and FB Lousaka Polite (91). Just missed: DT Randy Starks at 89. Surprisingly no love: LB Karlos Dansby. 

CANES RANKED 10TH BY ESPN:'s spankin' new preseason college football rankings have Miami's Hurricanes a rather robust No. 10. Sports Illustrated's collball preview issue, on newsstands now, has Canes No. 15, with defensive Allen Bailey getting some nice ink, and CB Brandon Harris making the mag's preseason All-America team.

1aaaroyo CARLOS ARROYO SINGS!: The Heat guard (near right) has released a song on iTunes. Click here.

BRETT FAVRE'S DONG: You might know by now that perpetually undecided Vikings QB Brett Favre is accused of texting photos of his private parts to a woman who worked for the Jets when Favre was there in 2008. Of course this has spawned the inevitable YouTube treatment: "See My Dong," to the tune of Lionel Richie's "All Night Long." Click here for the vid.

1aajeffvg ON JEFF VAN GUNDY'S MOTIVE: I was parts amused and skeptical to read that basketball commentator Jeff Van Gundy of ABC/ESPN (pictured right with sinister, creepy lighting) had come out and pretty much predicted the 2010-11 dream-team Heat should be the greatest team, well, ever. JVD said Dwyane, LeBron & Company would break the all-time record of 72 wins and never lose even two in a row. He all but called Miami unbeatable, saying, "The other 29 teams better hope the lockout gets moved up a year." Two thoughts: 1) I generally like Jeff's TV work. He's smart and candid. 2) In this case, I don't trust his motivation for saying what he said. He used the media. It seems clear to me he is purposely turning up the pressure on Erik Spoelstra and the Heat on behalf of his brother, Stan, who happens to coach one of the teams, Orlando, now chasing the Heat. A conflict of interest is apparent when Announcer Bro says something expressly designed for Coach Bro to utilize as bulletin-board material.

'SEXIEST SEVEN' HEAT GAMES: NBA released its full NBA schedule today and here are my Sexiest Seven Heat games, chronologically: Oct. 26 at Boston (regular-season debut of Dream Team); Oct. 29 vs. Orlando (home opener); Nov. 2 vs. Minnesota (return of Michael Beasley); Nov. 11 vs. Boston (Shaq's back); Nov. 13 vs. Toronto (Chris Bosh ex's); Dec. 2 at Cleveland (rage awaits LeBron); and Dec. 25 at L.A. Lakers (holiday event as possible NBA Finals preview.

1aagaga LADY GAGA: I would be more impressed by the tattoo pictured if Lady GaGa did not appear to be a man in drag.

BOOK OF ISIAH ADDS ODD NEW CHAPTER: [Wednesday evening update: Isiah rescinds Knicks job after determining it violated NBA bylaws. Thanks to all involved for making my below-referenced column seem brilliant and influential whether it was or not!] FIU basketball coach Isiah Thomas hired by the Knicks while continuing as college coach is a conflict of interest that the NBA and/or NCAA should strike down. Or so I say in this column online and in today's pulp edition. 

1aagaby AWARD DART LANDS ON NL ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: I drew NL rookie of the year in the annual rotation of awards up for BBWAA vote this year, meaning the fate of Marlin Gaby Sanchez is partly up to me. Gaby (pictured left) is a very strong candidate, but the next few weeks will tell in a tight race. My radar currently also includes Jason Heyward of Atlanta, Ike Davis of the Mets, the Cubs' Tyler Colvin and pitcher Jaime Garcia of St. Louis. Vote is due prior to start of playoffs.

1aapopecap BALLCAP MANIA HITS NEW LOW: The baseball cap, formerly worn mostly by baseball players and self-consciously balding men, has become a fashion statement now worn most everywhere. But it's like the old saying goes, "At least the Pope doesn't wear a baseball cap!"  .  

THE LIST: LOCAL WINNING, LOSING STREAKS: Longest winning and losing streaks for our Big Five (four pro teams and UM football):


Years   Team (Seasons)

17  UM football (1980-96)

9    UM football (1998-06)

7    Dolphins (1997-03)

6    Dolphins (1970-75)

6    Heat (1996-01)

5    Dolphins (1981-85)


7    Panthers (2001-08)

5    UM football (1969-73)

5    Heat (1989-93)

5    Marlins (1998-02)

4    Dolphins (1966-69)

4    Marlins (1993-96)

Check back. Might be adding updates and new stuff to this blogpost later...

October 21, 2009

Displays of religion in sports: OK or no? (with poll); plus, double-dreaming on Canes, Dolphins; Marlins awards

[Angels stay alive; Postseason Baseblog newly updated in post just below this one].


Please do not misinterpret my asking this question as blasphemy, or as an indication that I am an anti-religion heathen doing the devil's work. I know religion is an important, vital, comforting part 1aprayerof  many lives. I'm all for it. But I also think it is a personal expression that perhaps should be confined to the home or place of worship. I think kneeling and praying in an end zone is roughly as out of place as kneeling and praying in a supermarket aisle. I may be wrong. Is it an exercise of freedom of expression? Yes. But it's a matter of context. I wouldn't want my athletes espousing their political beliefs at the start of interviews, either. This story and video (click here) about a Minnesota Gophers mascot appearing to mock a Penn State player as he prays is an impetus for this post that I've been meaning to write for awhile. There are other examples all around of the mixing of religion and sports. The Dolphins, for instance, are the only NFL team to still have a pregame prayer. Is that appropriate? How many times have we heard an athlete asked a specific question about a game or play start by praising God or Jesus? Should there be a separation of church and sport? Take a dip in our poll and expound with a comment. Are you all for athletes using their professional stage as a platform for sharing their religious beliefs or do you consider that out of place?

1acanes 1adolpins DOUBLE-DREAMING ON CANES, DOLPHINS: I have a column online and in the paper today (click here) that will be misinterpreted by some as predicting UM and the Dolphins will emerge as champions this season. Wrong. Wrong. What the column does is lay out scenarios by which those things are possible. With the Canes I think there is a decent chance if they win out. With the Dolphins the next three weeks will tell, but Miami occupies the driver's seat in the AFC East at the moment and that's a good start. The column puts an unabashedly optimistic spin on both seasons, for which no apology shall be forthcoming.

HANLEY UP FOR AWARDS: Marlin Hanley Ramirez up for two major MLBPA Players Choice awards: overall Player of the Year (vs. Cards' Albert Pujols and Twins' Joe Mauer), and NL Outstanding Player (vs. Pujols and Brewers' Prince Fielder). Also, Chris Coghlan a finalist for NL rookie, and Nick Johnson for NL comeback player.

Click back. Probably adding more stuff to this post throughout the day...
