Farewell, blog. You grew to be 18. Now it is time to let you go
This thing, which on the first day I called a "webblog," didn't really have a name at the start, then was christened "Random Evidence Of A Cluttered Mind," and later became, simply, "Greg Cote's Random Evidence Blog."
It was born, right here, on September 23, 2005.
It is being retired, right now, on January 20, 2023.
My first-ever blogpost that day in '05 was about a local sportcaster, then and still, titled, "Is Jim Berry The Transmogrification Of Satan?' It was what we in the business like to call "a read-me hed."
Over the years the blog has been a catch-all variety show, a scattershot array of local and national, serious and fun. It has included several signature features along the way including the Dolfan Satisfaction Meter postgame polls and the Sunday Hot Button Top 10.
The blog has been a chapter in my journalism career that I have enjoyed, and hope you have, too. But it's time to close this little chapter in the book of my continuing career.
Times have changed. Other stuff has bumped blogs not to irrelevance, perhaps, but in that general direction.
Social media led by Twitter (which I joined in 2009) became a faster, more easily and broadly accessible platform to say whatever I wanted to say (or promote).
I started my podcast in 2020, the success of which, and the time for it needed, pushed the blog further back on my priority list.
Over time the blog became less a stand-alone creative outlet for me and more just a place to promote the other stuff I was doing like the newest column written or the latest podcast episode. It was fun while it lasted. It was fun while it was fun. We shall remember it fondly but it's time to let it go.
Happy to say the Hot Button Top 10 will live on, but reimagined, available online-only starting this Sunday.
The blog, I hope, will live on in archival form at Cote's Blog, 2005-2023.
Meantime please stay in touch with us by:
Thank you all!