« The Legend of Hassan Whiteside: How good will he be? New poll. Vote now!; plus Giancarlo's world, how close Dolphins are to contending & more | Main | SB Smirk II: Gronk's buttchecks, which may be an upgrade from deflated balls; plus Dan Marino, GoDaddy's Puppygate, greatest-Super Bowl-in-Miami poll, Marlins farm system & more »

Super Bowl With a Smirk debut: Deflated balls, crotch grabs, killer Clydesdales, Marshawn Lynch poll, Q&A with God; plus Hassan Whiteside verdict & more

It's Radio Tuesday!: I'm back in-studio today with the Dan LeBatard Show, 3-7 on The Ticket Miami, 4-7 on ESPN Radio. Ears welcome.

"The first person to see Miko Grimes, would you tell her to please shut up? Thank you." --Greg Cote

1) It is TUESDAY, JANUARY 27. Click on Random Evidence for our latest Sunday notes column. 2) In The Previous Blogpost (ITPB): Hassan Whiteside poll, Giancarlo's world, how close to contending are Dolphins & more. 3) Follow us on Twitter @gregcote. Also on Facebook, Instagram and Vine.

1aa1adeflated footballsSUPER BOWL WITH A SMIRK I: DEFLATED BALLS, CROTCH-GRABS AND KILLER CLYDESDALES: The first of our five daily Super Bowl With a Smirk notes columns debuts today leading with an exclusive report detailing how the 1aa1aclydesdalePatriots may be under NFL scrutiny for apparently underinflating footballs -- which we haven't heard or read anywhere else. Pictured

right: The suspect footballs used in last week's AFC Championship Game. Also included in today's Smirk debut: God's will, Garo's rumination,
Pro Bowl, rabid Clydesdales, naughty Betty White, 1aa1agodfbsimulated arrests at NFL Experience, counterfeit tickets, F-16 fighter jets and (spoiler alert) solid information that New England will beat Seattle on Sunday, 28-24. Place bets now. Click
on Smirk I for today's complete debut column.

SMIRK POLL: LOVE/HATE ON MARSHAWN LYNCH: Seattle's running back rudely refuses to answer the simplest questions and grabs his crotch after touchdowns. Seahawks fans love him. But do most football fans? I don't mean as a player. I mean as a person. Let's find out.


Poll result: Caution, but excitement, about Hassan Whiteside: We asked how sure you are that 7-foot Heat sensation Hassan Whiteside would become an NBA all-star, and 59.6 percent were cautiously optimistic, 34.2% were very confident, and only 6.2 % were doubtful.

Check back often because we update and add to our latest blogposts a lot...
