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Heat move on from What's-His-Name. The new column; plus Philbin/Tannehill poll (vote), NFL Week 4 pix, 3-breasted woman & more

1) It is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. Lifelong Red Sox fan (me) admits he cheered for Yankees and Derek Jeter last night. 2) I'm holed up at Random Evidence Laboratories today drawing forth the Sunday notes-column package. 3) In The Previous Blogpost (ITPB): Tannehill QB controversy, NFL Pix 'n Fantasy, SOPY rankings & more. 4) Follow us on Twitter @gregcote. Also Facebook, Instagram and Vine.

Heat moves on with Life After What's-His-Name: Click on Moving On for my latest column -- newly online and shipping to Saturday's inky pulp editions -- from today's Heat media day session. I try to accentuate the positive as the Heat move on without That Unnamed Guy Who Left.

PHILBIN'S BOTCHERY ON TANNEHILL'S STATUS A BLACK EYE FOR COACH: There is never a good reason for an NFL head coach to create a Quarterback Controversy on his team unless the starter's job truly is in 1aa1ajphilbindoubt and the debate is unavoidable. You don't decline to to publicly name your starter unless it's an open competition or you aren't sure. If you refuse to name your starter even though you know who it is -- Philbin's method of operation this week -- you are simply mishandling the most important position on your team and causing a pointless distraction. Even Tannehill admitted it was a distraction and spoke out against the way his coach has handled this. If Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck's coaches do the non-committal thing it isn't a big deal. But when the coach of an a less-established, embattled QB does the non-committal thing after consecutive bad losses, he erodes support for and the confidence of his quarterback. But that's just me. You may feel differently. This could be a tough poll question for many Dolfans because neither Philbin nor Tannehill is particularly popular right now. You might not like Philbin but still think he handled this properly. You might not like Tannehill but still think he was treatly unfairly in this. Weigh in. Vote and say why.

1aa1afripixNFL WEEK 4 PICKS: Good start last night; had Giants winning at Washington in an outright upset. Click on Week 4 Gems for all our latest prediction capsules (have Dolphins beating Raiders in London), and on Philbin's Folly for our Friday Page NFL column. I write how Joe Philbin's mishandling of the Ryan Tannehill situation this week has put his shaky job status in further peril.

LEBRON SAYS MIGHT STILL BE WITH HEAT IF...: To the surprise perhaps only of the easily surprised, LeBron James said he might still be playing in Miami for the Heat if the team had beaten San Antonio in the NBA Finals last season. "I mean, it's a greater chance for sure," he told CNN's Rachel Nichols in an interview excerpt released yesterday. "It would be hard to leave back-to-back-to-back championships, you know, and try to go for four." Post-LeBron, the Heat usher in the 2014-15 season with Media Day today (I'll be there) and then the start of training camp on Saturday.

1aa1atampa3ON THE (ALLEGED) TRIPLE-BREASTED TAMPAN: A "triple-breasted tampan" is not a breed of bird. Rather, it is a 21-year-old Tampa woman who goes by the pseudonym Jasmine Tridevil, and whose claim to fleeting, idiotic fame is that she says she has three breasts, the third not by a freak of nature, but by implant. Jasmine is pictured. Or, did that go without saying? She is presently plying the Internet, working it, looking for dubious stardom in a reality TV show. Alas, there are now indications her triple-header is in fact a bizarre prosthetic apparatus. Which, really, barely makes the story any weirder, if at all.

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