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Dolphins should sign Michael Vick. Yes? (with poll); plus Penguins, Riley, Magic, Marlins & more

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1michaelvick      Should the Dolphins sign Michael Vick?: Atlanta has relinquished contactual rights to the out-of-prison Michael Vick, and that's a big step. Means a team can now sign him with no compensation due the Falcons. And it's a buyer's market, meaning he'll come cheap because the dogfighting thing makes him such a public-relations risk. As the NFL weighs lifting his suspension, now is the time for teams to seriously consider signing Vick. I say Miami should. He would be perfect for the Wildcat. He is what the Dolphins dream Pat White becomes. (I mean football-wise, not pit bull-wise). Yes or no, then? Should the Dolphins be interested in Vick? Take a dip in our poll.

     [Update: Vick-to-Patriots rumors are out there. Click here. Vick wants a starting-QB job but obviously would take what he can get. Miami and the Wildcat would be a perfect opportunioty to showcase himself ro a year and then go elsewhere].


1rileypat      Pat Riley to Cavaliers! Or not: This is what happens in the Internet age, where the most innocuous, baseless speculation in some distant blog (or even in a Tweet!) can metasticize to the point it masquerades as actual news. That's why Heat bossman Pat Riley had to issue a firm denial of speculation that first bloomed in a New York Daily News blog about him maybe taking over for supposedly embattled Cleveland coach Mike Brown. Riley is pictured here making the international gesture for "Shhh" in an effort to quiet silly rumors. As for Brown being in trouble? That'd be the same Brown who just won NBA coach of the year. An even bigger reason why he's safe: LeBron James likes him. Period.

1pens      Penguins rule ice kingdom: Watched the end of Game 7 at the Hard Rock Casino bar last night and it was exciting enough and big enough to draw in even non-hockey fans. Big events. Electric. Pittsburgh had a spotty regular season and struggled to make the layoffs before achieving serendipity when it mattered. As for the Red Wings? Well, one more reason to feel depressed about living in Detroit. 

     Poof! Magic disappears: Speaking of the NBA, after choking away that overtime lead and falling behind 3-1 in the Finals last night, the Orlando Magic and coach Stan Van Snakebit now officially have zero chance to overcome the L.A. Lakers for the title. By zero chance I mean you hitting the Lotto, or trying to find a lost contact lens on the beach.

1chadjames      Marlins draft: The Marlins this week drafted several dozen players nobody has ever heard of. That's the nature of the MLB draft, and the reason why it will never be remotely as big as the NFL or NBA drafts. Florida's first-round pick was an 18-year pitcher, Chad James, from Yukon, Okla. Hey, welcome, Chad! We'll see you in four or five years. Maybe. (Chad is pictured at right, looking sort of sad, like he's on the verge of tears. Maybe he just found out what the Marlins' signing-bonus offer was).

     Online chat moving to Wednesdays: Our weekly live online chat is moving from Mondays to Wednesdays beginning June 17. Time will still be 1-2 p.m. Clicks on Chatsville to join live, read transcripts or post a question at any time.
