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Was justice done with Donte' Stallworth?: Cleveland Browns receiver Donte Stallworth pleaded guilty in Miami to DUI-manslaughter for striking and killing a man and today was sentenced to one month in jail, followed by two years' house arrest, eight years probation and 1,000 hours of community service. (News story here). The initial reaction of many will be outrage: "One month for killing a guy!?" But I think the overall sentence is fair considering Stallworth's prior clean record, his taking responsibility, the role victim Mario Reyes played in his own death, and also the monetary agreement reached with the family. Take a dip in our poll and offer your opinion.
Sammy Sosa took steroids. NOOOOO!!!!!!!!: The New York Times reports that Sammy Sosa tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in 2003. Gee, imagine that! Sosa, out of baseball and about to formally retire, announced last week he'll be awaiting his call from Cooperstown. Good luck on that wait, Sam. Maybe you can share the same waiting room with Bonds and McGwire. Keep each other company!
The awful, fantastic debut of 'Joe Buck Live': Joe Buck's new show on HBO debuted last night and what people are talking about today about is how Artie Lange, the insult-comic from Howard Stern's show, hijacked Buck's show. Brett Favre was supposed to be the big guest. But Lange upstaging Buck was the TV gold that made the new show noteworthy out the box. Save the outrage, Joe. You can't buy pub like this. Besides, have you heard Artie Lange before? Are you familiar with Stern at all? Booking Lange and being surprised by the act is like swimming with a crocodile and being shocked by the bite marks.