Any reason why the Heat and Lakers won't meet in the 2011 Finals? Is it too late for Allen Iverson? Should
the Heat be concerned about Boston after the addition of yet another washed-up O'Neal? Will Dwyane Wade beat out LeBron James and Chris Bosh to win the Finals MVP?
Just a sample of another week of remarkable questions from you guys regarding the new-look Heat. It no longer amazes me the level of national and international interest this team has generated. The questions to our Heat's weekly Q&A are coming from all over the globe.
Keep them coming, and I'll keep addressing them - if not outright answering them. Either way, we're both along for what could be a wild and crazy thrill ride this season.
Here's a preview of this week's Q&A entry, which just wrapped up a few minutes ago ...
Most Recently Answered Questions
Questions 1 - 15 of
1218 (Page 1 of 42)
Submitted by
Benny K
from Loxahatchee, FL
Q: With
Eddie House in the fold now and a slew of Big Men, maybe it doesn't
seem all that crazy to bring in a T-Mac or Iverson type. TMac because
he has something to prove (that he's healthy and can still play...and
that he's willing to be a role player)& A.I. because he wants a
paycheck and probably never thought about his legacy until injuries,
age and mileage forced him to. Why not go in to the HOF as an MVP,
scoring champ and NBA Finals Champ? I really don't think the big three
and/or the management regime will tolerate any locker room
dissension--they'd just be gone if it didn't work, right?
Answered 08/05/10 13:58:53 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
The problem with both those guys is what you just mentioned. They feel
they have something to prove to the league. And on this Heat team,
there won't be that many minutes to go out there with an agenda. There
might be many nights of DNP-CD's (did not play, coach's decision). And
eventually, that could wear on this team. No need in taking any chances
with chemistry on a team that has yet to jell.
Submitted by
Answered 08/05/10 13:57:03 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
I can't see him being Derron Williams, Chris Paul, Rajon Rondo or Steve
Nash. So I guess my answer would be no. But he can be a very solid pro
along the likes of Derek Fisher, Raymond Felton, etc.
Submitted by
from Crown Point, IN
Q: You
probably get about a million of these a week, but I just want to go on
record as saying I like you so much better than Shmira. Keep it up sir.
Answered 08/05/10 13:55:36 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Hey, thanks. Much appreciated. Ira is an extremely hard-working beat
writer who has covered the Heat since Day 1. Thankfully, there's enough
room on this beat and in this town for the both of us to continue to
give you guys solid Heat coverage.
Submitted by
from VA
Q: Can we send are center Dexter Pittman into the Euroleague with Jarvis Varnado??
Answered 08/05/10 13:54:06 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Yes, but I can't see that happening with Dexter. I think he needs to be
a big body to bang against in practice. He also can develop much better
with the Heat than overseas at this point.
Submitted by
Laker Hater
from Anywhere but LA
Q: First
off, I wouldn't be that surprised if the Lakers didn't even make it
back to the finals next June considering how many top-tier teams in the
West have improved and how close they came to missing the Finals this
past June with such a favorable bracket, but anyway, when people
examine the MIA-LA matchup they always give a huge advantage to LA
because of their size down low. Is this matchup problem being
exaggerated though? Bynum isn't always in the game with Pau for one,
and doesn't finish games with him down low. Also, isn't that what Z is
for? Bosh-Z is equal in length to Pau-Bynum. I'm not saying they're
equally talented, but a combo of Bosh and Z has to come close to
neutralizing that alleged "huge" size advantage, right?
Answered 08/05/10 13:52:15 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Size-wise, yes. But there are so many other factors in play there.
These teams match up really well. Really, really well. That's what
makes it so fun to imagine some 10 months in advance of it even having
a chance to happen.
Submitted by
from miami,Fl
Q: did jon scheyer make the heat roster or not?
Answered 08/05/10 13:50:23 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
A: Not. At least not yet.
Submitted by
from miami fl
Q: hey
mike why we get ju howard makes no sense why not go for rasual butler
or j will over arroyo at least ha can hit the 3 point shot also u think
the heat will pass the 72 win season of the bulls do u think riley will
come down to coach he is got the respect to coach the big 3 i don't see
that on spoelstra he has not prove anything and why is former greats
like jordan and magic hating on lebron they didn't win on their own
Answered 08/05/10 13:50:09 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Howard came in on the vets' minimum. Butler took more money to go back
to the Clippers. J-Will never got beyond a flirtation. Arroyo is back
and in the fold.
Submitted by
Eric Uy
from Auckland, New Zealand
Q: Hi
Mike. Come the time where the Heat plays the Cavs in Cleveland, first,
it HAS to be on ESPN right? And what's more likely? An empty building
to boycott Lebron? or a full house that will curse every Miami
possession? I don't care how crappy the Cav's line up is or if there at
the bottom of the standings. I'm watching that game!
Answered 08/05/10 13:48:33 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Of course, that Dec. 2 visit to Cleveland is going to be on national
TV. No other way to do it. And the building will be packed, no doubt
about it.
Submitted by
from Plantation, FL
Q: Why
has Channel 6 so severely cut back on their sports coverage? On the
night we were waiting to hear about Lebron coming to Miami, they didn't
even have Joe Rose covering the story!!
I've been watching Channel 6 for thirty years and I'm disgusted. They
even eliminated coverage by sportscasters and just have the news
readers reading the minimal stories. At first, it was only on weekends
but now it's during the week, too.
Not much of a lead in to NBC Nightly News. I'm switching to Channel 4
which still has Jim Berry and Kim Bokamper.
Answered 08/05/10 13:47:42 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
A: OK. How did this one find my in-box?
Submitted by
from VA
Q: Do
you think Dwyane Wade can still win the NBAs MVP award even if Lebron
James and Chris Bosh are on HIS team? and if so how can he, what does
he need to do, and how high are the chances/what is the percentage??
Answered 08/05/10 13:46:32 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Man, we're getting waaaaayyyy ahead of ourselves on this one. I can't even
put a percentage on them getting to the Finals, let alone who the MVP
is going to be. Let's get to at least the season opener before we get
to that one.
Submitted by
from el paso ,texas
Q: first
my heart goes out to HASLEM.we got backups for every position but
wade's.why not a t-mac.he's a risk but he's a smart player with a big
upside,little risk. 10 min to 15 min a game to help take a load off for
wade.we need to save the big 3 from wearing down and make a run at the
Answered 08/05/10 13:45:25 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
Technically, Eddie House or James Jones would be the backup at shooting
guard for Dwyane. So there are bodies there at that position.
Submitted by
Ken Cutler
from Miami, Fl
Q: Wade - Lebron - Bosh - Udonis - Chalmers is that the starting five?
I knew Lebron had definitely selected Miami when he said he spoke with mom. Obviously he wanted her approval to leave Cleveland.
Answered 08/05/10 13:44:28 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
I think Udonis is coming off the bench. I'd put Joel Anthony in there
at center. But again, we're still weeks, if not months, from that being
anywhere near decided.
Submitted by
from Sunny isles
Q: Why Pat Beverly? Read he will never have the offensive and ball-handling skills needed in the pros.
Answered 08/05/10 13:43:31 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
To be honest, that signing sort of surprised me as well. Even on a
partial guarantee contract. But it's hard to question Riley's moves
this offseason. Dude has come up with all 7s all summer.
Submitted by
from boston,maaa
Q: I
do understand d goal and d rhythm that d miami front office is trying to
achieve but adding a player like Allen Ivenson and shaq will not cause
any harm. So my question to you is ds, do u think is a good idea to add
a player like A.I AND BIG DIESEL on d heat roaster?
Answered 08/05/10 13:42:30 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
A: No, and nope. Same as last week. ONly now, Shaq is off the board and is now in Boston.
Submitted by
Elisa Perez
from Homestead, FL
Q: what are the chances of the miami heat winning the nba championship this season?
Answered 08/05/10 13:41:46 by Miami Heat Beat Reporter
They certainly have the roster to get there. I think they at least have
to get to the NBA Finals to avoid any "failure" discussion.
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