It was already official, but this really cements it.
After 13 seasons with the Miami Heat, Dwyane Wade is a Bull.
And he took to Twitter to talk about it.
I wanna say THANK YOU to #HeatNation... I've read and felt you guys love from afar. thank you for appreciating my 13 years. #FamilyAlways
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 7, 2016
The hardest part was leaving u guys. Y'all have supported me thru all my UPs but most importantly my DOWNS.
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 7, 2016
I'm gonna miss running to the end corners of the court and the scorers table yelling "This is MY House!!!"
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 7, 2016
But Miami-Dade County to me..will always be Wade County!!!
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 7, 2016
I'll miss all my youngins but UD and CB I will miss like no other. I Love you both beyond words. #Brothersforlife
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 7, 2016
Chicago!!! I am ready and I'm excited for this next chapter in my life. I'm not finished nor am I done!!! #GoBulls
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) July 7, 2016