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LEBRON: 'Nothing that comes out of Boston surprises me'

LeBron James spoke up passionately about what he perceived as unnecessarily hard fouls against him in Wednesday's game against the Bulls. For Boston GM Danny Ainge, LeBron's complaining was "almost embarrassing."

"I don’t think either one of those were flagrants, and I think the one — LeBron against Boozer — was flagrant, yes. I think the officials had it right…," Ainge said during a weekly radio-show appearance in Boston. "I think that it’s almost embarrassing that LeBron would complain about officiating.”

Why the heck is Ainge calling out LeBron? Who the heck knows, other than Ainge just wanted to take an easy shot at LeBron on a pro-Celtics radio show.

"Nothing that comes out of Boston surprises me," James said on Friday morning after the Heat's shootaround at New Orleans Arena.

We do know for a certainty that Ainge is no stranger to complaining himself.

As a player, Ainge was recognized as one of the league's biggest whiners. During last season's postseason matchup of the Heat and Celtics, Ainge raised a stink with the president of referee operations after LeBron James attempted 24 foul shots in Game 2. (OK, he might have had a point there.)

It seems unlikely at this point that the Celtics will match up with the Heat in the first round, but just in case things shake out for another Heat-Celtics postseason matchup, it appears Ainge is already prepping the officials.




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