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Nothing good just happened

Not exactly sure where to start on this one, but why not Chris Bosh, because that's where most people will go with their complaints.Wade dressed

He has to be better than that in a game without Dwyane Wade. It's as if someone needs to replay that  speech he gave a few weeks back just to remind him what he was upset about in the first place. Shooting 6 of 15 isn't good enough, getting to the foul line just eight times -- especially when Wade is out and LeBron James isn't getting to the foul line double-figure times either -- isn't good enough. And as much as it can be dismissed as a somewhat unimportant game, it was pretty important. Now the Heat needs to rely on the Celtics losing a game and still winning the rest of its game, including one against the Celtics.

But it wasn't all on Bosh. Mike Bibby had an unusual game, which must've been a result of Wade being out and him needing to do more ball-handling/creating. Those six turnovers were way more than he should ever have. Heck, it's about half as many as the total he had since getting here.

Then there was 1 of 9 from Mario Chalmers, and not enough from James Jones considering he played 33 minutes, which usually translates into pretty good numbers for him. LeBron needed to be more aggressive getting to the rim, especially after he spent the opening portion of the game softening up the defense by being a distributor. And as much as Mike Miller's rebounding is a good thing to have from the small forward position, should he really be leading this team in rebounding? That's got to come from Bosh or someone else up front.

On top of that, there's word less than 12 hours after the loss that LeBron's mother was arrested on a misdemeanor assault charge in Miami Beach. That just can't be good for his state of mind heading into the postseason. And it's another PR mess he and the team has to face at a bad time.

Overall, a pretty awful 24 hours for the Heat





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