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Lue headed to Milwaukee

Tyronnlue Point guard Tyronn Lue reportedly will sign with the Milwaukee Bucks. This comes after he skipped a physical scheduled with the Heat Monday. He essentially declared himself out of the running with the Heat by being a no-show, after Miami expressed interest in the veteran. Lue, 31, has bounced around the league throughout his career. He's entering his 11th season and has played for six teams (Lakers, Wizards, Magic, Rockets, Hawks, Mavericks). Lue, who has been a reserve for most of his career, has averaged 8.9 points and 3.3 assists.

He is joining a Bucks team that already has point guards Mo Williams, Charlie Bell and Ramon Sessions under contract. Lue's decision to join the Bucks continues the trend of guards ending up in Milwaukee instead of Miami that began last summer. Milwaukee offered a more lucrative deal to Williams than the Heat did and matched Miami's offer sheet to Bell.

The Heat figures to have more point guard options as free agency continues. Check back later for more updates.




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