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Sights and Sounds

Rather than just spit out my opinion all the time (what do I know, anyway?), I'm going to try to let you in on some things you couldn't see for yourself just from watching the game. Hopefully it's not too revealing.
Heat @ Blazers...

-In the locker room before the game, Shaq offered to conduct an interview while he was, umm, well, let's just say "using the facilities."
I declined.

-Shandon Anderson, who went to the Univ. of Georgia, lost a friendly bet to Udonis Haslem and Jason Williams, who both went to the Univ. of Florida, after the Gator men's hoops team beat down the Bulldogs in Athens, Ga., on Friday.
Shandon's revenge? The Lady Bulldogs beat the Lady Gators in hoops on Sunday.... No, wait, that doesn't matter. Nobody bets on the women's games. No revenge for Shandon.

-During the game, a Blazers fan sitting just a few rows from the court yelled to Zach Randolph as he was walking off the court. The message was something to the effect of "play like  you want to win." Zach looked dead at the fan, was about to say something, then thought better of it and kept walking to the bench. It's amazing how these Blazers fans have turned on their team over the past few years.

-This was on the postgame quote sheet, so I didn't actually hear it, but Ruben Patterson said that during the game, Gary Payton told him "You guys suck... You all bad, Rube." And Payton and Patterson are actually friends. The truth hurts.

--During garbage time, a Blazers fan sitting across from the Heat bench was pleading for Shaq to wave to him. Shaq, playing the part of bad cop, didn't move a muscle. The begging continued, drawing laughs from those within earshot.
Finally, the fan gave up and said, "Dwyane, will you at least wave to me?" Wade, pretty much always the good cop, waved, drawing applause and more laughter.
I love funny fans.

-Nothing too exciting in the postgame locker room, other than Udonis Haslem joking that the reason Dwyane Wade has so much success running the pick-and-roll is because defenders are afraid to leave Udonis open for a jumper. Funny.




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