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February 04, 2025


Women speak 3,000 more words daily than men during midlife, study shows


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Women are more talkative than men. You learn something new every day. Oh, great of the mention of Mehl and His Collaborators who toured with Mike and the Mechanics.

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running,
can you hear me calling you?

If only they'd do the SportsCenter ending song when they finally end the stories about their day.


This figure can't possibly be right. It's at least an order of magnitude low.

If these words are not allowed some natural outlet, Word Retention Pressure increases. This can become a dangerous situation. Ever witness a boiler explosion?

Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little
Cheep cheep cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more!
Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep!

Sorry, I wasn't listening, what did you say?

[unintelligible grunt]

This is how some guys deal with it.

10,000 if they’re Amish..

I agree with ROD - I demand a recount!

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