Stripper, 22, Busted For Banana Battery At 7-Eleven Store
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
« February 3, 2025 | Main | February 5, 2025 »
Stripper, 22, Busted For Banana Battery At 7-Eleven Store
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
As a public service to your readers who have a person in their lives who will be very unhappy if someone forgets about Valentine’s Day, this article could help them avoid getting into hot water, so speak. Of course, the type of person who actually finds the article interesting probably has a Canadian girlfriend.
--- Dr. Pangloss
...for Bionic Pancreas!
(Thanks to wiredog)
German Hunters Bellow Like Stags At National Deer Calling Championship
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "France just left the continent altogether.")
The Scottish government has said it will "under no circumstances" be banning cats
(Thanks to Allen at Division)
...we are unable to link to this. We appreciate your understanding.
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
Woman too scared to use bathroom after snake found in toilet
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner, who thinks this might be haggis-related.)
Male Amazon river dolphins pee into the air, confusing scientists
(Thanks to Ron Wylie and pharmaross, who says "Did they do it on porpoise?")
Fungus-infected zombie spiders discovered in Northern Ireland
(Thanks to John Lobert)
About 100,000 eggs worth $40K stolen from trailer in Pennsylvania
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)