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January 13, 2025


"Time is an illusion" and doesn't exist as we know it, according to many physicists

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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Does this mean we can change our clocks three times a year if we want? Four?

Then why do I scream every time I look into a mirror?

I know! I said the same thing next month.

Who got this tidbit of info reading belated birthday cards at the $store.

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does anybody really care?

About time?

-- Chicago Transit Authority, 1969

Any 5-year old can tell you that time moves differently for kids.

What time is Cops?

Hell, I bought this expensive watch and now you tell me that it is measuring an illusion? When they say "I am the Alpha and the Omega, are they referring to this watch that is illusory./

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