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January 13, 2025


Ikea superfan wins giant meatball that weighs 5kg and is big enough to feed 25 people

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Some assembly required.

♪ On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed (really hard) ♪

Can you get it with free shipping on prime?

Made from the same fiberboard that the furniture is?

Thatsa some spicy meat-a-ball.

Question: how can 25 people consume 11 pounds of meatball?

It won't really be a big deal until it's used as an asteroid measurement unit.

On the plus side, by the time they roll it through the whole store's "long natural way" to get it outside, it will be back to normal size.

Ragu and Prego are on high alert.

IKEA opened for ABBA in the Swedish Fish Concert

I wonder how long it took to put it together.

They say the whole process ground on and on around the sausage plant.

They say the whole process ground on and on around the sausage plant.

Hope she didn't expect to get a little bread with it. (Geezer song reference)

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