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January 24, 2025


Elvis Presley's personalised jockstrap for sale

(Thanks to pharmaross and Rick Day)


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Love me tender...

Ralph beat me to it.

This was just the idea I needed to start killing it on Etsy!

Jimmy Velvet and Gary Pepper? Where the *HELL*are their jockstraps?

I hung around with a childhood friend who was an Elvis freak. He was so influential...well I would find myself yearning to comb my hair back then break out and do this.

I know. I know. How many times in a day have *YOU* said to your buddy, "pass me them taters Red."

*Yeaning* is a powerful word.

Here is my childhood buddy with a display of his considerable influence introducing The King.

**How many times have you laughed your ass off in a day referring to Elvis? In my case, all day long, man.

I imaging there will be some jockeying about bidding for that.

When we used rock around the clock all night it helped to keep my boys from being all shook up.

And all this time I thought Elvis was always going commando.

It appears to have been washed in the

I will *not* make a humorous comment about a hunk of burning love.

How do we know it's not just a slingshot?

Now we know why he was the KING!

Where else would Elvis the Pelvis house his Johnson?

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