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January 13, 2025


Dear Dave,

The mysterious but ever-faithful judi has responded to my multiple emails over the years and she's always been friendly and responsive when asked questions about autographs and so forth. Assuming you rehire her several times, please consider featuring an annual "judi Appreciation Day" - and give her a big fat raise too. I'm certain this event would generate a lot of comments, assuming they are restored.

Your fan and friend,

Alan West


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In appreciation.

Comments are back! Thanks, Judi!

Never believe everything you see on the web.

I am assuming that these mini work stoppages are Walter's way of getting attention. Well it has. Have lots of quality postings that have built up like constipation due to this work stoppage.

How about installing a method where by we posters can signal you that things are blocked up? How about some sort of method, like maybe a 'judi button' that we can push to let you know that things have stopped working. Again. As I see it, it is a way to get around this silly childish stunt Walter pulls for attention. Perhaps Walter would used in a better place like hanging from the back bumper of your pickup or maybe calling Oscar Mayer to see if he would serve better as a hood ornament on a wienermobile? I'm just saying.

What Alan said.

Plus: Judi rocks.

hurray Judi!

judi stands behind here original retort "Dave who?"

Awwwww. “Mysterious and ever-faithful” - makes me wish I knew me.

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