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January 23, 2025


Surgeon and father of three performs vasectomy on himself as a gift for his wife: ‘I am really brave’

(Thanks to John Lobert and Roberto)


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Now we have to ask ourselves, how did the squirrels get birds 62,000 miles out in space? This must be some kind of diversion.

Not busted for SUI.

I can definitely check the box that states “Does not perform self surgery.”

There is NO WAY I'm going to click on that story.

nursecindy: MORON

Because he wasn't covered under his health insurance for that procedure?

In an effort reminiscent of O. Henry's GIFT OF THE MAGI, the wife had bought him a rubber glove so he can perform his own prostate exams.

He asked his wife if sex was different after his vasectomy...

She said there wasn't a vas deferens.

There's a thin line between bravery and stupidity.

Does Hallmark have a card for this?

@Burt - Etsy has plenty of congratulation cards for vasectomy. I just checked.

His last word before he began the surgery, "Hold my beer."

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