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January 23, 2025


A Polish general was dismissed last week by the nation’s defense minister after reportedly misplacing a batch of anti-tank mines that were later found in an Ikea warehouse

(Thanks to Barry Nester)

Good luck assembling them.


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You can get a really good deal on these. There are two types of mines. Upon exploding, some make blue smoke, and some are pink. You want to follow the assembly instructions very carefully, and maintain a safe distance once armed.

No one will ever figure out how to put them together, so they're perfectly safe.

Be very careful when forcing Tab A into Slot B.

And somebody had better check the munitions depot. There's probably an unassembled curio cabinet there.

What do you call a monkey in a mine field?

A babooooom!

For when that IKEA assembly manual falls short: Instantaneous unscheduled deconstruction.

Best quote: ".. an Ikea warehouse representative telephoned military officials and inquired about 'when they would collect their mines,' according to one report."

General Kępczyński: "Ix-nay on the ines-may .."

Second-best quote: "Classic Peng."

In his defense, advancing Russian troops always loot the big box stores first.

IKEA snack item Explosive Edibles with a chaser of Pepto-Bismal.

Same thing happens to me.
Except I misplace socks on laundry day.

Ikea figured out the mines weren't their merchandise when their Allen Wrenches wouldn't fit.

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