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January 09, 2025


Science confirms: ‘Know-it-alls’ typically know less than they think

(Thanks to Al Barkafski, who says "Of course I knew this.")


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I am reminded of a co-worker from 40 years ago. Somehow we got on the topic of the moon and she was absolutely certain that the "dark side of the moon" was dark because of light absorbing soil and that astronauts could not go there to get a soil sample because it was so dark.
I tried telling her about how the planets and their moons are not only in ORBIT around the sun, but they rotate as they orbit and the dark side of the moon was when that rotating side was not facing the sun .. hence the darkness. But further in its orbital path, it would rotate to face the sun and then the other side would be in darkness. You know, kind of like Earth's experience of night and day. She absolutely refused to believe me. She labeled me a know-it-all for giving such an explanation.

I'm glad I don't work there anymore.

The exception to the rule.

Except when they know more, and are smarter than you by a long shot.

We already knew that.

Definition: Naive realism. Naïve realism is an egocentric bias, which means it's a tendency to rely too heavily on one's own point of view.

You know you have it bad when this happens.

After we rename the Gulf of Mexico and attack Greenland, all will be well.

@Clankie: If we can transfer enough ice, we might consider renaming it the Gulf of Greenland.

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