Florida cop slams into motorist while watching porn
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and pharmaross)
« January 11, 2025 | Main | January 13, 2025 »
Florida cop slams into motorist while watching porn
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and pharmaross)
Mysterious 20ft-long object spotted in Loch Ness thrills monster-hunters
(Thanks to John Lobert, Allen at Division and Emily, Leslie and w, all of whom say some version of "Glad THAT'S settled!")
The problem (if we understand it correctly) (which we admit is unlikely) is that the TypePad account we use was opened roughly four million years ago by somebody (we don't know who) at the Miami Herald who is probably no longer there, and to fix the comments we need to log in to the Owner account, but nobody knows how to do that. We're working on straightening it out. We apologize to those of you who would like to comment and cannot. If your comments are backing up internally, maybe you should go outside and release them. Do not do this in a populated place, lest you be arrested. ("The suspect was observed in the supermarket produce department allegedly approaching shoppers and informing them that 'Artichoke Bottoms' would be a good name for a rock band.")
Judi has been fired several times.