Czech man fails to win right to smile on his ID card
The man tried to defend his case by stating that he was a member of the Church of Laughter (Ecclesia Risorum) and that smiling was a manifestation of his religion.
(Thanks to Ralph)
He is in need of a Florida driver's license, stat.
Posted by: Florida Man | December 12, 2024 at 04:48 PM
FYI I DuckDuck'ed (Ecclesia Risorum), The Church of Laughter (Ecclesia Risorum), and was disappointed to find many images none of which had anything this had nothing to do with Designer Nipple filler for perkier breasts.
*Also nothing to do with Wind Blowing Out of Uranus Makes It Hard to Probe (despite the instances of designer nipple filler and perkier breasts.
**What the *HELL* does Ecclesia Risorum mean exactly and how do I join?
Posted by: man tom | December 12, 2024 at 07:16 PM
@man tom - Your honorary membership is in the mail.
Posted by: Mad Hatter | December 12, 2024 at 08:27 PM
@ MAD Hatter - Finding myself foolishly unaware of your charitable concerns, I had my Designer Nipple filler/Church of Laughter (Ecclesia Risorum) Windows Defender blocker enabled. I did not receive receive my membership. I also found a 'perkier breast' notification in my spam folder, was that you?
Can you please send the membership again. I have heard the 'are you an active bigamist clause' of the Church of Laughter is very fair. I expect to be a fair minded, perkier breast anticipating parishioner.
*Also, don't be so mad all the time.
Posted by: man tom | December 12, 2024 at 09:52 PM