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December 23, 2024


Huge 'Christmas Eve asteroid' will skim past Earth tonight, NASA warns

(Thanks to pharmaross and Ron Wylie)


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How big is it in terms of reindeers?

Yeah, "skim" past, really close, only FOUR AND A HALF MILLION MILES away.

Skim? Is that where they suck all the cream out of it?

@Mike Smith

Here's your answer...


Should we all tempt fate by mooning its' passage?

If it’s tonight, then NASA seems to have confused it with a huge Eve of Christmas Eve asteroid.

How big is it?
CHRISTMAS BIG, that's how big!

It was discovered the massive Christmas Asteroid had what appeared to be or as we say at NASA, 'apparently', an empty 24 oz. jar of Tang orbiting it's distant 'far away as we say' barren surface which 'apparently' John Glen had tossed on February 20, 1962. The jar had gravatised 'apparently as they say, etc.' and had rings of 'apparent with two p's' another frequently used word at NASA' 'hard as a Walmart fruitcake rock' rings around it.

'Apparent' Orbiting Rings of Fruitcake is one my favorite Buzz Crosby Christmas songs.

Tonight !? I don't even have my " Happy Asteroid ! " cards addressed yet.

Hopefully Putin has a Christmas asteroid dropped down his chimney this year instead of a lump of coal.

So it's closest approach will by 19 times the distance to the Moon. Or about 1/9th the distance to me closest approach Earth cab ever make to Msrs. I'm not worried, in large part because it's already happened by the time I got around to typing this.

Santa better watch out for Grandma in a wheelchair, loading her shotgun ...

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