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December 22, 2024


No sex can be hazardous to your health, experts warn — here’s what happens to your body

(Thanks to pharmaross)



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I am not making fun of the doctor’s name.

Please *DON'T* choke me!

Are you sure?

What could possibly go wrong?

The article states the professor teaches at the University of California, Fullerton, when in fact she teaches at Cal State Fullerton (CSUF). (I looked her up because her photo looks like an AI avatar.) There is no UC Fullerton, but they used to grow some great oranges over there back in the day. It is also the birthplace of the electric guitar, thanks to Leo Fender.

Electric Guitar History 🎸

Since the subject was brought up, Men Masturbating sounds like a missed opportunity for an album title by these guys.

Also don't quote me on this but, I suspect a lot of cancer free healthy men are masturbating 21 times or more per month or at first chance after sitting through her night class on M/W/F.

It's right there on her class syllabus:

Expect to be extra healthy and find yourself masturbating at least 21 times per month directly after siting through my class if you are a man of the males species. They are real.

If you listen to this, you will notice the similarity in the sounding of the name to what the background singers are harmonizing to in this classic.

I guess those avid fisher persons who are strictly hook and line persons are rejoicing as their skill of master baiting is finally coming around to full acceptance. And to serve as an example to all those young, aspiring fishermen out there.

I'm doomed!

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