Alleged Assault With A Cooked Turkey
(Thanks to Ralph)
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Alleged Assault With A Cooked Turkey
(Thanks to Ralph)
New study finds sperm in blowfly maggots can crack crime scenes
(Thanks to pharmaross)
“Right there, their bums were facing that way, but pants down, bent over right here,” Zellars said, demonstrating what happened.
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
New Research Shows AI Strategically Lying
(Thanks to Steve K, who says "Send it to... no, wait, it's already in Washington.")
Minnesota Man Severely Burned When Heated Insoles from China Explode in Boot
(Thanks to Terry in Bedford)
Do not click here.
(Thanks to pharmaross and Steve Thompson)
Chicken gets her own hi-vis jacket to help cross the road
(Thanks to Ralph)
Here's What You Should Know Before Having Sex In Front Of Your Dog
(Thanks toi Ron Wylie)
Scientists Built a Lollipop That Lets You Taste Movies
(Thanks to Ron Wylie)
The moon may be more than 100 million years older than previously thought, study finds
(Thanks to EricY and B&C)
Study Finds Pink Floyd Are the Most Popular Rock Band Tattoo
(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)
The loudest states in America revealed
(Thanks to Al Barkafski)
New York man finds mastodon jaw while gardening in his backyard
(Thanks to Rodney Bertelsen)
Restaurant Has Been Frying Burgers in the Same Grease for Over 100 Years
(Thanks to Ralph)
Unfortunately, our strict policy prohibits us from bringing you the Wisconsin Court Report.
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Christmas decorations could harbour FIVE TIMES as many germs as toilet seats
(Thanks to pharmaross)
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Space beer may taste better than Earth beer
(Thanks to Ron Wylie)
Japan now has fish-shaped soy sauce bottle hand cream
(Thanks to Rick Stevenson)
Can You Start a Lawnmower with a Cannonball?
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says it's "a question we have all asked.")
Scientists stunned after observing ‘carnivorous’ squirrels eating voles
(Thanks to Mary Smith, Linda Schutjer, Debbie in the Hague, Mezrap, Jairus Coppersmith and Tom Hatley)
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says raccoon, squirrel are among dietary preferences
(Thanks to pharmaross and Ron Wylie)
What Ancient Romans Used Instead of Toilet Paper
(Thanks to Robert Moats)
Robotic rat with real animal odor uses AI to befriend live rats
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
(Thanks to Ron T)
Santa Claus and Grinch street performers arrested after fighting over tips
(Thanks to pharmaross and Doug Ogg)
Jockey hangs on for win after horse jumps a puddle of pee
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Canton woman reunited with lost emotional support python after winter crash
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Pit Bull Takes Over Mom's Zoom Call with Super Urgent Bone Report
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "Send this dog to Washington.")
Ohio Court Makes It Official: 'Boneless' Chicken Wings Can Legally Contain Bones
(Thanks to Terry in Bedford)
Sandi Toksvig: Doctors thought I got chlamydia from a koala bear in Australia when I had pneumonia
(Thanks to Jairus Coppersmith)
Snake wrangler Adam Furstenberg retrieves 1m dugite from Perth’s DFO food court
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Scientists Just Confirmed the Presence of Unknown Physics in Our Universe
(Thanks to Barry Nester)
(Tanks to Doug Ogg, pharmaross and Robert Moats)
'Injured' falcon gets loose inside officer's patrol car in Arizona
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Martial artists break dangerous record involving cucumber, chainsaw, blindfold
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "Attention Olympics committee.")
UK pubs running out of Guinness amid national shortage
(Thanks to Allen at Division, who asks "Where is the U.N.?")
Could mouse sperm orbiting Earth be the future of humanity?
(Thanks to EricY)
Car crashes into 24 Hour Fitness in Redlands, ends up in pool
(Thanks to Michael Parry)
Giant 5kg mushroom feeds family for a week
(Thanks to Steve Thompson)
Brussels sprouts will be 25% bigger this year, thanks to silt and sea breezes
(Thanks to wiredog)