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December 14, 2024


Iowa City Police arrest UI student with a pole in his pants

Shocker: "Swanson reportedly showed signs of intoxication"

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Is there a (hic) problem, officer?

This is a common occurrence in Warsaw.

"Officers report seeing 19-year-old Cole Swanson of Barrington, Illinois using a trash can to support himself outside The Summit on South Clinton Street just before 1:00 Friday morning. Police say Swanson had a pole sticking out of his pants that appeared to come from a moped or a construction site.' ...Well that explains EVERYTHING?!?

that appeared to come from a moped or a construction site

That's quite a versatile piece. Let's not dismiss that it might instead have come from an industrial boiler or a park carousel.

Since when has it been illegal to have a pole in your pants?

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