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December 01, 2024


The Earworm Eraser is a 40-second audio track designed specifically to squash earworms — a song on repeat circling around and around in your brain that can't easily be shaken off.

(Thanks to Ron Wylie)


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I wish I had this the other day when I heard Tommy Roe's "Sweet Pea" on 60s Gold on Sirius.

"Oh, Sweep Pea, Come on and dance with me,
Won'tcha, won'tcha, won'tcha dance with meee?"

Copa. Copacabana.

I regret nothing.

" "It just drowned out the noise, left me calm, left me relaxed,"

This is going to kill vodka sales.

60 years ago, Arthur C Clarke wrote a story about a scientist trying to find out how earworms worked (the term "earworm" hadn't been invented yet). He came up with the ultimate earworm, but unfortunately listened to it. The result was that he went completely mad, and (I think) eventually committed suicide.

"Dancing Queen"?...

Gramma got run over by a reindeer...

And I'll never have that earwormy again, oh no.

“Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner” by Warren Zevon, in addition to being an awesome song, kills earworms.

Listening certainly cured any thought of ever listening to even 2 seconds of a RAP song again.

I currently have a bad 'guitar part earworm' centered specifically around the guitar heard at 3:15 of the video.

I also, strangely enough, hear 'Watchtower' during this 4 chord progression and for that matter any other song with 4 chord full step progression. I was born this way and feel it a waste of time to seek help. I have a fear of going to any concert, even one of Cher's farewell gigs, and seeing Led Zeppelin

*The guitar player in the video is the son of Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics. They made songs, I have never heard of, stuffed full of earworms. If you listen closely, you can hear 'Watchtower'.

Prepare yourself for the remaining days of your lifetime to become filled with unrelenting earworm torture.

Billy Don’t Be a Hero.

Does anybody know of an equivalent treatment for books? I mean I have 'Bad Habits' (by some guy named Barry) stuck in my head and would like to move on to something else. And don't suggest a guillotine.

Seems like there was a Twilight Zone episode about this as I remember - some guy tortured an other guy by putting an earwig in his ear. The thing crawled thru the guys head and out the other ear - but turns out the earwig was a pregnant female and laid her eggs in his head.

The ultimate test for the Earworm Eraser...

@Pullet Surprise: "The Caterpillar," a segment of a Night Gallery episode, adapted by Rod Serling from an Oscar Cook story. A guy lusts after his employer's wife, hires someone to plant an earwig in his employer's head. but the someone screws up and the earwig ends up in the guy's head instead. He survives the ordeal, only to learn that the earwig was a female and laid her eggs in his brain.

SMACKS Alkali Bill

Alkali Bill should have seen that a-comin.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, wanderer2575. I think there was an old Kleiban cartoon that showed some small hair piece on the top of some guys ear - titled 'Earwig.'

The Real Barry: earlier than that, there’s Mark Twain’s short story “A Literary Nightmare” about him being afflicted with an earworm until he manages to unload it onto someone else.

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