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December 24, 2024


...to all you wonderful, and slightly twisted, blogfolk. And always remember:

Have Joy copy


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โœก๏ธ Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas! ๐ŸŽ„

Merry Christmas to All!!!

All they want for Christmas is Trump!

It's late and I just walked into the family room and saw Santa Claus taking a picture of the presents under the tree for proof of delivery.

Odd yes, I'll say. In any manner have a Merry Christmas. Be careful given that flexibility

Merry Christmas to you all.

Merry Christmas!

Last night I was thinking about the blog and "Have Joy" was what came immediately to mind.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, Happy Hannukah or Chrismukkah as the case may be.

Spare a thought for those who have left us, like nursecindy.

Merry Hanukkah and Happy Christmas everybody!

Seasons Greetings to all who are celebrating.

Merry Christmas blog folk!

"Spare a thought for those who have left us ..." Hmmm, I can picture judi sitting on some warm beach right now, working on the perfect melanoma, with an umbrella drink, and says "Dave who?"
All my girls say "MC" to all you clucks out there. You should have seen all the pullet surprise when they opened their gifts this morning.


I miss the days when we could say, "Seasoned Green Things" and get away with it.

Mary Crispus!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all!

Merry Christmas, y'all.

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to Dave, his family, and all you wonderful, funny, totally twisted Blogfolk!

Merry Christmas!

Sophie was wise beyond her years. Also, what Jeff and klezmerphan said.

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

Appropriate Remark! Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays to all the whacked posters and the Chief Whack, Dave!

Having moved just over a year ago, I expect the forwarded mail service to stop soon. But for the moment, the heartwarming holiday greetings from various businesses and venders continues, including one received this morning from the septic tank cleaning service we had used in another state. Warm piles of holiday cheer abound!

I'm a little late to the party...


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