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December 21, 2024


Michelin-Starred Restaurant Unveils Luxury 'Water Menu' Featuring $95 Bottle Of Melted Canadian Iceberg

(Thanks to Barry Nester and Ron T)


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The "Water Menu" is also called the "Sucker Born Every Minute" menu.

Does that include the straw?

Only the finest paper straws made from some exotic and expensive wood.

Or hemp straws.

Or bring a Twizzler and bite off both ends.

It's "only" $30 on Amazon.

I've been to Svalbard and drank the water directly off a glacier. It tasted like cold water.

Is this the same iceberg that the polar bears pee on? Like the old adage "Does a bear defecate in the woods? Does a polar bear pee on the berg?

As a water aficionado, I prefer 'Tapee' water

And they're all served in glasses washed with municipal water.

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