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December 31, 2024


Down here in the Faribbean Sea we are saving the planet by drinking rum drinks from these special ecological cups:

IMG_0206Although so far we have not seen any actual elephants. Maybe after a few more drinks.


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It is said that these cups are gathered up daily from the beach, rinsed, and restocked behind the bar. The ones with elephants have floated from Africa.

Still rockin' that Little St. James vibe!

Looks like the bar on Scrub Island in the BVI.

Try the Painkiller at the Soggy Dollar bar at Jost Van Dyke on White Bay.

A return to the Cooper Island Rum Bar?


Even as Dave enjoys a break in the Faribbean, I hope he’ll be tuning in late tonight for the annual potato drop in a less watery part of our world.


Isn't rum made from elephants ?

As Paul McCartney said to John Lennon, "Let's write a swimming pool."

Those syndication residuals for the '2024 Year In Review' are already paying dividends.

I wish I could write a Caribbean vacation.

Brings me back to those halcyon days working with my favorite charity.

From the smaller size of their ears, those are Indian Elephants, not African (the last one may be a giant turtle?)

There was an African Elephant on St. Lucia in the 1990s, but it may have had too much rum and is now dead.

pink elephants, no doubt

I could really go for a Faribbean elephant drink right about now...

Happy New Year, Dave!

2025 cannot be worse then 2024, right? Right?

Merely a suggestion, but there are other effective ways of relaxation to consider while you are there in the Farribean.

Thanks for doing your part!

To misquote Dorothy Parker: "Who the hell thinks that having another year is a such a good idea?"

πŸ₯ƒ Dave is co-celebrating New Year's Eve & Hanukkah by burning the midnight oil at the rum bar. πŸ•Ž

The Felephants are fast, so f'ing watch out!

πŸŽ† For your New Year's Eve celebrations... 🎊


Mr, Chicken, you have gotten my girls so excited they will not be able to get to sleep tonight. No eggs for you.

The Pullets - My Ladies

Happy Hour...

Nice rim shot with cleavage garnish!

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