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December 30, 2024


So we're hiatusing on a sailboat in a secret-location body of water that we will refer to only as the Faribbean Sea, and last night there was a spectacular sunset, which most of us were admiring, but which three of the guys on board were paying zero attention to because they had to watch a replay of an NFL game on an iPad.




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Still better than being found floating about in the Nearribbean Sea (more commonly known as the East River).

Seen one sunset/NFL game... you've seen 'em all.

That's crazy. One gust of wind, and their iPad could be at the bottom of the sea.

They’re nervous that grandpa might have a Weinermobile waiting for them on the beach.

Looks like a hull of a good time.

Sea what I did there?

What's the nearest island? Oar are you harboring that secret?

Apparently you're coasting til the end of the year.

And that screen is setting on the fuel tank for the boat.

There's nothing like re-watching a Patriots or Giants loss to help you unwind.

Has Dave been lost at sea?

Looks like Tortola in the British Virgin Islands.

British Virgin Islands Charters in the Caribbean

"Who's that?

"I think it's maybe that guy from Jaws?"

"No, it's the King of the world?

"Yeah, That's him, Leo Spencer."

This individual also likes CATamarans...

No big screen TV? So we can assume you are in the Soviet Union.

The sea was calm that day, my friends.

Little did any of the brave sailors know that the sudden, terrible storm would capsize the boat and one would be the main course for their survival. Men driven to madness will decide who are their true friends and who just tastes good.

Kudos to Mr Macklin proposing the lead=in paragraphs to a great novel, maybe future Pulitzer Prize contender (a 'big' maybe that is), about this great sea adventure. Can picture the plot involves a hermetically sealed, yellow, submersible Wienermobile that comes along and rescues these sailors from the sinking ship before they drown. The big yellow vehicle beaches on a nearby island and all sailors are saved. The island is uninhabited except for a small group of people who were stranded years ago when on a three-hour sea cruise which catastrophically resulted in a ship wreck and the party goers have been isolated for years. The whole ensemble was finally rescued. Mr Barry, one of the persons on the party boat, was offered a job by Oscar Mayer, owner of the yellow vehicle, to drive the Wienermobile around the country for $32K per year signing autographs and handing out Wienermobile whistles to the visitors. Overheard at one of the these public events, people who were inspecting the vehicle were heard to say "Dave who?"


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