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December 22, 2024


Bigfoot is 'inter-dimensional shape shifter' from another world, expert claims

(Thanks to Annette)


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You'd be surprised at just how gullible some of those experts really are.

"UFO expert"? Self-proclaimed, presumably.

That certainly would explain all the blurry photos.

My people certainly would put more care into their appearance, even though we haven't quite figured out how to get the faces right.

“Bigfoot is bipedal, hominid, and hairy that’s without doubt, there’s too much evidence now not to mention his often indistinguishable reign as the undisputed crotch-kicking world champion."

As a fan of the Bigfoot phenomenon, I mapped out a children's book based on the shape shifting. My favorite bookseller was the basis for one of the creatures who helped a child who was lost and wandered into gathering at a seminary.

The Bigfoot was there to score some tea, which for some reason never tasted right when he brought it back from the portal.

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