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December 21, 2024


Thousands of cabbages stolen from east Japan farms, police call for caution

(Thanks to John Grant)


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Stealing cabbages is against the slaw.

What a gasser!

A reward is being offered to whoever does this with kale.

Heads are gonna roll!

Is this gonna cause a sauerkraut shortage and price spike?

Can cole slaw be ued as weapon of terror?

Sometimes Godzilla has a craving.

840 Heads of Cabbage, a song by The Statler Brothers, but recorded by many people you have never heard of, sat at number one on the charts for sixteen weeks in the UK only to be knocked of the charts by Yesterday.

*The Grand Ole Opry was held at Buckingham Palace at that time. Many people around Nashville were not aware and auditioned in Buck Owen's garage. Hank Williams was drunk and was not believed when He warned, "you honkey-tonk idiots need to be at Buckingham palace, not in Buck's garage." Charlie Pride reminded, "Kiss angel this morning." Charlie also said He was responsible for the beginnings of country music when He recorded Flowers on the Wall at RCA studio with Elvis as a backup singer.

I suspect the police.

Stolen Cabbages WBAGNFA pub.

You can't criticize someone trying to get a-head in life.

Stompin' At The Savoy

Police theorize the perpetrator(s) of fermenting some sort of a scam.

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