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December 24, 2024


Newfoundland case involving moose estrogen and alleged road rage ends in acquittal

It began, as these things sometimes do, while people were out spreading moose estrogen on trees.

(Thanks to B&C)


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Flying ATVs would allow this situation to be avoided.

I have read some of the article, skimmed over parts, I have laughed, I have cried, but I keep going back to to an old Canadian adage, "anyone driving faster than you is a maniac and anyone slower is an idiot". Also of factual note was Alphonsus O’Connell yelling, “slow the f–k down,” words found in the first paragraph of The British North America Act (now called the Constitution Act, 1867) which became the founding constitutional statute of the new Dominion of Canada.

Then of course there is, “Are you going to shoot me?" followed by “Get the hell out of here,” which in early 1868 echoed the fear emphasizing the total chaos which caused the infant nation to immediately give back it's portion of the Panama Canal.

Then there is this Newfoundland Patriot, considers Tom Brady a little brother, responsible for spreading more moose estrogen than even ... don't concern yourself.

I saw Moose Estrogen and Road Rage open for Gordon Lightfoot.

Heckuva show, eh?

"Kids, it's time for the Christmas tradition of ...SPREADING MOOSE ESTROGEN ON TREES!!!"

"Yay! Mommy, can I use..LOVE..to spread the estrogen?"

"Yes, dear. It's the ONLY way!! Timmy, get the Moose Spreading carols ready!"

"Honey, I've got the hockey sticks to spread the estrogen!"

"Let's all have a Merry Moose Estrogen Christmas!!"

Words to live by: "No sense driving around the woods on a four-wheeler smelling like a moose in heat."

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