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December 23, 2024


Drinkable Mayonnaise Is Now a Thing

(Thanks to Ron Wylie)


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I’ll just stick with egg nog for the holidays.

So basically you just crack a raw egg into a shooter of olive oil?

Help me out here. Would you describe this as "sick" or "sickening" or, perhaps, both? Because these people need to be locked up, in Japan or elsewhere.

'Scuse me while I got vomit.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

What Jeff and MOTW said. That goes double if they're doing drinkable Miracle Whip.

A lot of people are going to end up in the emergency room at the Mayo Clinic.

what a wonderful world.

LOL @Mayo Clinic

I watched Drinkable Mayo open for Bread back in the early 90's.

The show was sponsored by Subways.


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