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December 14, 2024


Grenade found in carry-on luggage at LaGuardia

(Thanks to Geoffrey Scott)


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So glad we flew into JFK.

That's one way to persuade the stewardess to give you a second baggie of pretzels.

How are passengers supposed to protect themselves from all the drones?

As god is my witness, I thought it was a pomegranate.

A great way to settle any arguments about requests for a seat change. "Please, sir, can you switch seats so I can sit next to my aged mother who has terminal toe fungus?" "Get away from me you bitch - don't make me pull the pin on this grenade."

Wasn't A Grenade 'on tenterhooks' In My Carry-on Luggage the follow-up to By The Time I get To Phoenix (She'll be exploding)?

Was it an emotional support grenade?

So what, you're supposed to put them in your checked bag now?

Whenever I pack an extra pair of shoes, I always find them a good place to stuff a pair of socks or a grenade, maximizing the use of space.

Laugh all you want. When the raccoons come at us from the suspended ceiling, I'll be ready.

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