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December 27, 2024


We have come to that time of year when we here at the Blog go on our annual hiatus. We will attempt to post sporadically if we ever get sober as events warrant, but for the most part you will have to get your news elsewhere. We'll return in a week or so, assuming we can post bail refreshed and ready to resume our duties. To keep you occupied in the meantime, here's a picture of Lucy the dog with Santa Claus (Santa Claus is on the left) (and yes, that is the actual Santa Claus).

IMG_8290 (1)


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Lucy is gorgeous! I love old dogs. ❤️

Best wishes to you and your family as you vacay.

Looks more like ZZ Claus to me.

Dave, you're (not your) leaving South Florida just as we get set to arrive. Smart timing.

I see some wardrobe adjustments have been made to accommodate the warm climate, but the shades seem a poor choice. On the plus side, we didn't go the body paint and black tape fashion route.

Elwood Blues is looking good!

It is a good thing Santa has her on a leash. I wouldn't want her scaring the reindeer. Hope you have a Happy New Year Dave.

And that's Rudolph, I suppose ...?

Caption contest time, I'll start. "You sleigh me!"

After a wacky 2024, you look like you've got a hiatus hernia & need a vacation to recover.

Any clues we can sleuth through to guess the destination?

P.S. Stick with the sleigh and avoid Boeing manufactured transportation at all costs!

Heading to the Virgin Islands again?

You can meet up with this guy...

Hiatus, Uratus, it's all the same to me. Is this a photo of Christmas at the Manilow house?

Let me guess again - you guys are out walking and plan on dropping by judi's to wish her a happy new year? Good luck getting passed the guard at the gate to her mansion.

Lucy celebrating the 3rd day of Christmas by leaving gifts on the neighbors' lawns? "Three calling cards..."

@Padraig - HAR!

Reminded of my childhood buddy.

Who's watching the dog while they're gone?

The cat & the parakeet & the gold fish?

judi may be fired but that's no reason for blocking her access to the blog during Hectic Holidays.

Dave threw some chicken feed down in the backyard and left me here...

All By Myself!

It's nice to see Santa in Miami taking up dog walking as a second job. Also nice to see that he found a place where he can walk around in his street clothes without anyone taking a second look.

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