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November 12, 2024


Scientists warn men could become extinct due to 'testicle mutations'

(Thanks to Charles Cates, Barry Nester and Annette)


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Somebody hasn't thought the process through if they believe the extinction will only affect males.

Many years ago, I read a book called "Alph" (still in print) about the last man on earth. Women learned how to reproduce using pathogenesis so they didn't need the last guy ("Alph") and let him die in the cold wilderness. After five hundred years, the woman got tired of that way of life and found Alph, collected his DNA or sperm or some-damn-thing and repopulated the world. It's a good book, especially because it may come true: sperm counts are dropping and penis sizes are shrinking.

The Sex Chromosomes opened for Crosby, Stills and Nash. They stayed with Crosby during his much heralded Sperm Donor Tour with co headliner Melissa Etheridge until Melissa went into rehabilitation for drinking too much water. The Sex Chromosomes performed at his funeral and are still going strong having made a number of surprise cameo appearances backing P. Diddy.

*The Guinness People are planning a worldwide tour with The Sex Chromosomes. A lot of really stupid worldwide concert tour records are anticipated being set.

The Sex Chromosomes opened for Crosby, Stills and Nash. They stayed with Crosby during his much heralded Sperm Donor Tour with co headliner Melissa Etheridge until Melissa went into rehabilitation for drinking too much water. The Sex Chromosomes performed at his funeral and are still going strong having made a number of surprise cameo appearances backing P. Diddy.

*The Guinness People are planning a worldwide tour with The Sex Chromosomes. A lot of really stupid worldwide concert tour records are anticipated being set.

Men will eventually be once, twice, three times a lady.


Didn't Mutilated Testicles tour with Ozzie Osborne one summer years ago?

" Mutations... ? " There's another horror movie franchise lurking in all this somewhere.

That sucks.

In 6 or 7 million years we can figure out how to interbreed with birds. They don't have exposed testicles, and have Z and W sex chromosomes, not X and Y.

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