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November 02, 2024


Sausage-maker thinks he’s found the answer to Germany’s raccoon problem

We're sold: "It doesn’t have a overly unique taste."

(Thanks to The Perts)


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can this be applied to squirrels?

Slogan: " You deserve an ache today. "

Racoon Sausage-maker was track 4 on the Muskrat Love album.

send them to Louisiana, they'll eat anything.

Just send them to the eastern front!

Tastes like chicken, of course.

Update on my special upbringing:

My Dad and an Uncle used to trap racoon. My uncle sold the pelts. My Dad ate the racoon as did my uncle. I learned from early on, "Hey, Junior, a good dog will *tree* that coon." Tree means chase the racoon down and run it up a tree. Trap it. My Dad's brother called my Dad Junior. His name was not Junior. I just called him Dad. I know I thought at the time, "If a dog chased me up a tree I would not be able to get down and probably be shot by a relative."

*Note. I remember my dad suggested you boil the coon to get the oils out, then barbecue it. No mention of sausage. I'm sure there would have been racoon sausage around my house if my Dad had been reminded you could make sausage out of one.

**Note. I had an uncle who was a trapper. Put that in your sausage grinder and smoke it.

I’ve never had anyone say it’s disgusting or that you can’t eat it.

Reminds me of Yankee Doodle Daffy, "One might even go so far as to say he's mediocre."

Raccoon sausage is the pizza topping that blends well with the pineapple.

I don't have a picture of any of the coons my dad shot, but I do have a picture of me and the neighborhood cat (If you look closely, He has huge balls). I don't recall what happened to that particular stray, we may have skinned him and boiled him to get the oil out. I'm sitting on my dog, spot's, house. I lived down under those stairs and trapped a lot of neighborhood animals. I was only a corporal in the pic. My back yard was a war zone.

I can't help the ring-tailed feeling the the spices are trying to unmask some element of the recipe.

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