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November 12, 2024


25 monkeys recovered after dozens escape in South Carolina. Others are ‘jumping back and forth’ near the research facility

(Thanks to The Perts)

It could be worse. They could be jumping to and fro.


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At least 5 of the monkeys were captured while jumping on a bed

Here we come jumping back and forth bedding down in the trees
We get the funniest looks from every one we meet
We're the young generation, and we've got something to say

*Davey wrote that first part before being chased down by a raging mad pack of women monkeys lurking in the trees. Davey later remarked, "the cute one was a daydeam believer as well as a really hairy homecoming queen."

No more little monkeys jumping on the bed!

99 monkeys jumpin' on the bed

I saw 25 Recovered Monkeys perform with Van Halen.

" It's a madhouse ! A madhouse ! "

I was just wondering about this last night. The blog is the only place where you can get reliable updates on these things.

With some cultural training the monkeys may attain a range of "hither and yon."

99 irritating bug in the code,
99 bugs in the code.
Fix just one
and oh what fun,
129 bugs in the code!

Get the man in the yellow hat on the case.

You put your monkey paw in, you put your monkey paw out, you take your monkey paw and shake it all about, you do the pokey monkey and turn youself about,

But unfortunately, that's what it all about.

Probably looking for Bonobos.

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