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November 03, 2024


Two Scots who are believed to own the biggest brick collection in the UK are looking for a museum to house all 6,000 of them.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Build the museum using the 6,000 bricks.

Filled up Mum’s basement, didya?

What Clarence said.

I'm guessing they just might be single

By "bricks" they mean EVs, right?

Bricks: A short story.

I spent part of a summer working with a neighbor on his old truck harvesting bricks. Each morning we would head downtown to city designated 'demolished to the ground' buildings offering all the bricks you want for free. I harvested so many red bricks, using a small metal breaker bar to break away the mortar, then stacking the old truck full of the 'classic red' bricks. Arriving back home at the end of the day, we would neatly stack the bricks on the side of his his house. My neighbor would put an ad in the paper for patio bricks. I would ride along in the old truck with a 'load of bricks' we had loaded back onto the truck and deliver the load to very large homes which I thought were castles. Amazing how people who live in castles need 'classic red bricks' to build a new patio. So, at the end of the summer I was paid for my work with Bob. Fourteen whole dollars. Not for the day. For the entire frickin' summer.

When I see a brick, I think of the fourteen dollars I made that summer. Really.

"Really don't mind if I sit this one out."

What Yuri said. And make it big enough to house the thumbtack.

A 6,000 brick wide asteroid won't do a lot of damage if it hits us.

BULLETIN: Everyone here should check out Dave's piece in today's Washington Post. I think it was supposed to be about the election, but Dave's section was about (what else?) hurricanes.

I say this because hurricanes did not just recently start hitting Florida. Hurricanes have been hitting this region for millions of years, since before there was a United States, or even Keith Richards.

I found and read the article. My son was born in 1992 the morning Hurricane Andrew made landfall. Andrew was cause for concern for-on-the scene reporters being in danger of being wind blown out to sea, but this election season is equally as dangerous for cable news anchors. Many have had their heads pop right off with the 24/7 coverage just getting to be a bit much even for even a missing Anderson Cooper. Who the *HELL* is Anderson Cooper? Alice Cooper's cousin?

Just another brick in the wall. Just put it over there with the rest of them.

Shitting a brick was a big deal back in the day. I don't think the Scots are telling us all they know.

The election coverage is "just another brick in the wall" you say?

If you build it, they will come.

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